Conversation and Rest

"This battle was pretty good" - after a silence that seemed eternal, the young man who emerged victorious broke his peace as he tried to calm his breathing. His upright body showed that he was still energized.

"I think that in the end, you went too far, darling, little Sairaorg ended up unconscious and seriously injured" - Venelana said as she gave her nephew a drop of Phoenix to get it back.

Grayfia took Venelana's nephew to a room to recover, of course, the Phoenix drops are effective, but it must recover the mind and spirit takes some time. She did it herself because she didn't want anyone else to find out what happened. Fortunately, Sirzechs and Zeoticus were busy with their affairs with other clans.

"The game was very hard, you can't blame me, and I'm sure he would have wanted it that way, if he had behaved kindly, he would have criticized me later" - he said, scratching his head.

"Mmmm I think you're right, but now you must rest and recover, come, I'll give you a drop" - Venelana said worried about the young man's injuries. His body was riddled with blood.

"There is no need, just a few wounds, a few healing ointments will suffice"


"Don't worry, my body is very resistant"

"... Sigh, well then, Rías, bring the medicines ... Rías?"

Venelana looked in the direction of the girls and like Suzu, they were a bit surprised by the strange behavior of the 4. They had an O in their mouth, even stars in their eyes.

Kunou looked at the young man with eyes like a plate, her tails, who already had 2, her moving from one side to the other. Sona and Seekvaira tried to keep her cool look but her eyes gave them away. Rías looked up at the young man with loving eyes.

"Ahhhh sorry ..." -so the little girls began to shower him with questions and worrying about his condition.

The young man deactivated his long hair and his visual ability. He immediately dropped to one knee to the ground while breathing with some difficulty. After cooling off the adrenaline from the fight, his body felt quite drained.

"Anyway, they are brats, but look at them, bloody and exhausted" - said the older woman sadly.

While Grayfia, who had just arrived, stroked the silky hair of the little boy, but looking carefully at the characteristics of this and trying to explain how such perfect hair could transform into such a murder weapon, the silver-haired beauty looked unusually happy, as if she was happy to see the incredible power that kept the Otsutsuki's body in reserve, leaving her to be more and more surprised and wanting to discover each of its secrets.


In the hot springs of the Gremory mansion, Suzetsu was taking a bath, resting from the previous intense battle. Of course, before relaxing he went to visit Sairaorg and to his surprise he was awake. After a short conversation, he began to sleep peacefully, his body was healthy but he was still at rest. There were no complaints about the harshness of the last blow, indeed, after their battle, the friendship grew.

[[How do you think I did in the fight?]] - he said internally to his partner.

[[If I didn't know that it was the first time you had a real fight against a guy, then I would tell you that you did it like shit]] - after listening to it, the young man could only cough a couple of times.

[[and I thought you would congratulate me]] - giving a bitter smile.

[[you had at least five chances to defeat him even without using your hair]]

[[ahhhh When?]] - he replied without believing.

[[If you look closely, in each movement where he used his right hand that was damaged it took a fraction of a second to execute the attacks, it was enough time for you to have directed your energies and attacked his weak parts such as the neck instead of monkey combat, you could also have hit his soft parts like solar plexus, kidneys ...]] - then she began to give him some points about his encounter, the young man remembered and the Divine tree was right, he could only blame himself for being useless and being left carry by emotion.

[[but don't worry, you are very young and you still haven't had a teacher to teach you properly, you also only made use of your body, if you had used the true power of your eyes or any of your other elements then you would defeat it with greater difference]]

[[So… will you teach me to use them?]] - he said expectantly.

[[Thanks to Kaguya's cells I managed to obtain this eye of nine Tomoes, I also had enough time to learn some skills thanks to her and in the various battles I had with those of your clan, but I only understand some techniques, most of the advanced level, we must focus on accommodating your body for acceptance with the cells that allowed your birth]] - the young man still felt strange to remember that he did not have a common birth so he got a little tense when he heard the words of ten tails.

[[You must know something, your training method is different from the demons of this world, your cells are made up of incredibly powerful individuals who had practically perfect control of the use of the chakra]] - her words encouraged the young man, he knew that his eyes contained incredible powers and mysteries, but he hadn't put them too much into action yet.

[[You better relax these days, once you leave the safety of the Gremory clan I will let you experience hell HAHAHAHAH]] - she said with satisfaction and cruelty.

The young man felt a bit nervous because of the deep voice, he felt that he was going to experience torture, but again he remembered the sensation he has had since he uses his reason, the warmth he fell through a woman's skin as crystalline drops slipped by her face when she said goodbye to him. He had blurred images, but more than enough to have a deep mark in his heart, he knew that he had no time to lose, he had to grow up to exploit all his power, recover it and destroy his enemies.

[[Leave the Gremory clan? ... so the day finally came ...]] - he said sadly, but it was also clear that he should gain experience.

[[Of course, you don't want to spend your life between cotton wool, right?]]

[[Don't worry, I already knew this for a while, but there are things that need to be resolved before leaving]]

While Suzu kept communicating with Kirisu, Venelana, Grayfia and Yasaka appeared around the hot springs, the 3 of them were wearing beautiful kimono - "honey, what is it that you are so distracted?" - Yasaka said while they saw the little boy distracted.

"sweetie?" - Grayfia also looked at him with worried eyes.

"... Ahh I'm sorry, it's nothing, this ..." -the young man was surprised as he watched the trio.

"Ara ara do not tell me that we can no longer accompany you because you are very big ... jiiji" - Venelana gave him a mocking look.

"Obviously they can, just the four of us haven't been in a hot spring for a long time, it brings back memories" - Suzetsu gave them a cute smile.

"Hehehe okay, now I want to relax and see your wounds"

Then the three of them took off their kimonos showing their perfect and naked bodies. They put a small towel on their heads while they relaxed in the pool. Then they stayed with the young man.

"Honey, you are awesome. You only have a few marks left from your wounds " - Venelana said as she caressed the wounds on the young man's body.

The other 2 beauties were also looking at the marks from the fight. Her eyes were sad at the thought of the pain he had suffered.

"This is nothing, I can barely feel a slight numbness, don't worry. Rather, it is Sairaorg who was the most damaged "

"Before we came we went to see him but he was still sleeping, by tomorrow he will be recovered" - Venelana said with a smile as she continued stroking Suzetsu's hair.

"Come here, let me wash you dear as we did before" -Yasaka stood behind the young man while she caressed the young man with her tails and hands.

"It's not necessary, Yasaka ..." - said the brat with a slightly red face.

"Ara ara... so shy jijiji" - said the fox with a mischievous smile. Obviously, she did not feel any attraction towards the boy (at the moment), like the 2 women next to her, after all, he was only 8 years old, but without a doubt, he was one of her dearest people.