Blood Agreement

After his comment, he caught the attention of the whole group, even Rías grabbed his arm tightly to prevent him from saying something stupid, the other women also wanted to hug him, but they remained in their position.

His fiancee's action made his eyes fill with rage as if he was about to spit fire - "Then tell me, what do you want?"

"I want to bet on the commitment you have with Rías and your Evil Pieces. A 1 to 1 fight on the day of Rías's coming of age ceremony "- there was silence in the area while they processed his words, Rías's matter was clear, he had a special affection for her, but the Evil Pieces caused more surprise, after all, he is not a demon-like the others.

What they did not know is that the Juubi explained to him that he could make use of them once he studied the mechanism of the pieces, after all, it was invented by the scientist and satan Ajuka. The time before the bet should be long enough to have found a solution.


"Are you afraid?" - Suzetsu gave him a mocking smile trying to provoke him.

His lunatic laughter did indeed stop and he stared at the other with murderous eyes- "HUMPH! Ignorance! It's just that you have something that's of value to me? "- Without refusing, after all, he had great hatred for him and wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate him. What could a mere servant offer?

"If you win, I will give you my eyes and I will become your servant for all my life" - he answered immediately causing the amazement of the young Phoenix. To his surprise, the secret in those eyes arrived on a silver platter.

"SWEETIE! / SUZETSU!/ SUZU! " - The women shouted immediately.

"The decision is made" - the women stopped their attempts to stop him, after all, they knew he was very stubborn and was standing firm on his word.

"No servant ... I want a blood contract as a slave!" - The blond didn't even think too much about the conditions. As a member of the upper class, he was very arrogant and convinced of his victory, he is also close to achieving a breakthrough so, as far as he is concerned, he would naturally win easily. But he needs complete control of Suzu in the future.

One servant is another's lackey but he has freedom of thought. On the other hand, a slave contract is something uncommon in these times of peace, basically, a contract is made using blood as a seal and the slave has to comply 100% with each mandate of his owner even if he does not agree with the request, his body explodes in terrible pain if it opposes instructions.

"Don't go too far!" - Sona yelled at him with great coldness in her voice. Her usual calm and serious demeanor had a big change.

"Done" - the young man accepted, for him, servant or slave would be the same. He anyway he thought it would be impossible to lose after these years of training. Rather, he had no other choice. How can he reunite with Kaguya if he can't defeat a simple chicken?

"HAHAHAHAHAHAAH very well, remember that when I win, I will turn you into my dog, so that you can take care of me after fulfilling the duties of a couple HAHAHA" - he mocked without fear, the young man was sure of his triumph, although the other is mysterious, he was a Phoenix, a member of the high and pure class. He further assumed that his subordinate's beast's defeat had been directly related to Grayfia.

The women-only looked at him in disgust, making clear the difference between a wealthy dog ​​and a powerful but humble young man who was also willing to sacrifice his freedom and power in exchange for protecting those he loved. The two young women who accompanied on this visit shone their eyes when they appreciated the profile of the young man with an unwavering determination, a true man according to them.

Rias was clinging tightly to Suzetsu's arms as she gazed at him with eyes like stars, it seemed like her world only belonged to him. Unknowingly, that shitty manipulative personality that he would have had while he was desperately searching for any option to break up the marriage never developed. All thanks to the young man who was next to him, who without saying anything, he had already found a solution.

"COUGH COUGH" - someone coughed loudly, keeping everyone's thoughts away.

Everyone was distracted and did not notice that the elders of the Phoenix family arrived accompanied by Venelana, Grayfia, and little Ravel, the latter was curiously looking at the courage of the young man who, as she knew, was a similar age to her, but showed great maturity and courage that caused him a lot of interest.

"Venelana, are you sure about this?" - Mr. Phoenix said with a bit of disbelief. Inside he also felt that it would be a good opportunity for his son, perhaps it would be the moment where he could straighten out his life and continue his legacy.

"Young people must determine their own future" - she said a little sad, as she remembered what her own past was like.

Venelana represented the Gremory clan and there was Lord Phoenix, so it was possible to reach an agreement. Zeoticus might be upset, but when he hears the bet, he may be happy. Sirzechs had already spoken with Venelana, he had told her that he would wait for a miracle so that all parts are satisfied, especially that of his beloved sister.

"Well then, let the youths sign this contract and the matter is closed" - then they both proceeded to sign with their blood, sealing the contract which will then put on a great show in the future and that will shake the demonic realm.

Raiser was giggling after signing the deal. Suzu kept calm as he explained his reasons to Grayfia, she only nodded but internally she was very worried but also happy for the young man's bravery. 'If that bravery were to be repeated it would be…' - even her thoughts wandered with some crazy ideas.

Moments later an impressive group of women and lolis appeared. They are 14 in total, all of the different temperaments. All the beauties focused their attention on the guests, especially the young man with the golden horns they had never seen, their eyes lit up but then they gave a little sigh.

"Lady Phoenix this is... " - asked a demon with the appearance of a youthful student. She has salmon-colored hair and two cat ears on her head.

She was quite curious about the situation by which they were summoned, she was Nekomata before being reincarnated so she could feel very attractive energy from the white-haired boy, not only that, his incredible beauty and that mysterious air that surrounded him. She tried to hide her astonishment as much as she could, as did her twin sister and the others present.

"Little Ni, is that so ..." - Lady Phoenix began to explain the situation. The expressions of the beauties kept changing as she spoke of the bet.

The girls sighed in her mind, after all, they don't know what could happen to them. Some were upset about their king shit for using the evil pieces as a bet, some were happy because they didn't want to keep Raiser's pervert. Fortunately, they were not violated by him since they had been there for a very short time and Lady Phoenix protected them, but in no way could it be like that for long seeing how he acted with the servants of the house.

They all wondered what would happen to them in case the mysterious young man won, after all, Suzu had only asked for the evil pieces.

The young man also looked at them carefully. His eyes swept over the group and an expression of mild surprise appeared on his face. Suddenly, a woman with large and noticeable breasts somehow caught Suzetsu's attention, not only because of her incredible beauty but also because of the energy that she possessed. But he could only smile bitterly when he felt a blow to the hip.