
1600 words

(šŸ‘ Ķ”~ā€ÆĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)šŸ‘


Suzetsu was annoyed at the interruption so he turned around a bit angrily as he looked in the direction of the scream.

As expected, there were Latia and Iryuka. Both are about 30 meters apart. Latia was who had screamed, obviously, it was her brother who was about to die.

The young man looked at them calmly without having any change of expression due to their beauties. With his hair, he gathered Diodora's body and affirmed it in the air before the terrified and hopeful look of the demon.

"Onii-San!" - Iryuka sprinted towards her brother Zephyrdor.

"What did you do to him! What did you do to him! "- The little girl yelled to Suzetsu as she hugged her brother's body that was soaked in blood, her eyes were crying seeing his condition.

Suzu looked indifferently as the girl used some medicine while retrieving it, he was not interested after all he had no major problems with him remaining alive, they did not have big differences. But with the other was very different.

"Who are you?" - Latia finally said after calming down.

Suzetsu simply looked at her without responding to her question. First, because she should be the first to introduce herself and second because he didn't like her.

Finally, the 2 women analyzed the situation and focused on Suzetsu. Before they only looked at their injured brother.

They saw an incredible scene.

At a distance was the trio next to the rock-like man who was helping them with medicine. And in the other place was Suzetsu with his impressive and beautiful hair several meters long holding Diodora's body in the air. And at a short distance from the young man were the bodies of the ten subordinates and whose lives were uncertain.

What most caught their attention was the imperturbable look of the young man, as if what surrounded him were simple cabbages. Even they, who are admired where they went and with thousands of followers have also been treated like air. Despite the context in which they were, it was impossible not to notice the boy's particularities, that mental strength, body posture, the aura of mystery, and of course how handsome he is.

"Sorry for my education. I am Latia Astaroth, the current heir to the Astaroth Clan and niece of Ajuka Beelzebubā€¦ and she is Iryuka Glasya-Labolas, candidate for the heir to the Glasya-Labolas Clan "

"Suzetsu Otsutsuki" - the young man made the worst presentation ever, short and precise, without wanting to waste more words. He just wanted to hear what they had to say.

The beauties inwardly complained about his words. What kind of shit presentation was that? But then they recalled some recent events.

"You ... are you from the Gremory house?" - Iryuka asked him.

"..." - Suzetsu finally had a change of expression that was caught by the girls.

"I see, I guess you must have problems with my brother."

"That other guy can go, but this one I have to kill" -he replied as pointed to Diodora.

'... Too authoritarian' - the beauty thought for her answer, then said - "Do you know that you will give problems to the Gremory clan and especially to your friend RĆ­as?

After hearing the words, Suzetsu had a great change. His eyes filled with killing intent as he stared at Latia.

"You threat me?" - Continue the young man with an extremely cold voice and waiting for the answer, depending on her words, he would act forcefully or leave her.

At first, he did not immediately kill Diodora after all he liked to see that look of hope before the arrival of the 'savior' and his despair for the situation, it was interesting to him. He also wondered why he felt that sensation. He guessed that he was still too immature and too influenced by the Otsutsuki cells. But now with Latia's hidden threat, his temper changed.

'This boy is too ...' - Latia shook her head to herself. She then looked at him stoically and said, "Please don't get me wrong, I just have to tell you that if Diodora dies, the clansmen will find out and seek explanations from the Gremory clan."

Suzetsu pondered for a short time and then a small curve appeared on his lips - "there is no need to worry about that"

"You ..."

What she didn't know is that Suzu had had a conversation with the girls before leaving for her trip, they had already told her that high-class demons have narrow minds. So if they were looking for revenge, he should act as pleases.

They could cope with the problems perfectly!

"Well, then ..." - Finally Suzetsu was going to perform his action, but just then Diodora seemed to change.

-Diodora's pupils glowed purple as he cast an ability that he is proficient at.

This magic allows Astaroth to put other living beings under a hypnotic trance state, during which different types of orders or instructions can be given to their subconscious. This not only allows the target to be controlled forcing him to obey him, but it also allows him to influence his perception, mentality, memories, knowledge, feelings, or motor capacities of his body, among other things.

"Juaggā€¦ juaggg, did you want meā€¦ dead? Am I going toā€¦ skin you and give yourā€¦ meat to the dogs "- A strange laugh came from the young man as he watched Suzetsu calm. He then tried to free his hands to use a Phoenix tear.

In the distance, his sister and the rest stared in disbelief at what had just happened, it was a tremendous change in just a few seconds. Butā€¦

"An interesting skill"


Sure enough, after making contact with Diodora's eyes he was taken to a beautiful cabin with RĆ­as, Venelana, Yasaka, Kunou, and Grayfia, everything seemed friendly, but how could he not notice? The ability has flaws, for example, it can be avoided with great willpower, which Suzetsu has too much and of course thanks to his Dojutsu Byaku-Sharingan.

So the ability had no effect on him. But he will understand these techniques better for you in the future. It was an interesting thing even though it only lasted a small fraction of the time.

"So you wanted to skin me hehehe"

Suzetsu got bored with the game so he just tossed Diodora up into the air as he made dozens of senbon.

"HAAA!" - the young man yelled as he sent the 'needles' at high speed to penetrate the pervert.

"NOOOOOOO!" - Diodora screamed in terror as he was about to be pierced.

Her sister Latia wanted to help him but Suzetsu was not going to be kind to her, waved his arm, and also sent some Senbon to prevent her from getting into his business. She stopped her flight and deftly protected herself from the attack but made it impossible to help him.

~~ rumble!~~ - but suddenly the crash sound was heard and something unforeseen came up.

A person appeared in front of Diodora's body who was about to be killed. It is someone dressed in black armor and a cape that covered him from head to toe, although you could see some brown hair.

The individual stretched out his palm generating powerful defensive magic and avoiding the incoming attack.

He then looked in the direction of Suzetsu who was puzzled and alert. He made a small movement with his palms generating a powerful source of energy.

- man muttered causing a huge water finger about 10 m long and 3 m wide that was surrounded by dark magic to form.

'shit'- Suzetsu thought as he saw how the power was increasing.

"HAAAAAAAAAA!" - He yelled loudly as his hair formed into a huge shield but he knew it wouldn't be enough.

After a brief decision, he decided to try a B-level defensive jutsu, although he had practiced it very little it was the best he could do.

-he made a few seals with his hands and luckily it was a success, although the consequences would come later.

It is a defense Jutsu in which Suzetsu formed of a very solid wall of earth. The Chakra became Earth within the body and was then spit out. This land then instantly rises and takes shape. As the barrier is covered with chakra, its strength becomes incomparable to that of a normal mud wall.

Due to the special characteristics of the land, the wall is very resistant to water, which is why it had been the best option.

~~ CREAK ~~ - Then at great speed the finger traveled directly to Suzetsu generating a powerful shock. It sounded like cracks and explosions, making the ears of the surrounding people ache.

While the man in the sky was surprised and thought - 'fortunately I came to protect this puppet of mine after his seal was lit, it is not the time for him to die yet, he must do an important job, and ... that boy is very interesting, surely SHE will be curious about my information hehe '- then the man disappeared with Diodora while on the ground they followed the loud sounds of the impact.