4 months and King Toad

"Mmmm" - Kuisha moaned softly, then hid her face in the pillow with great embarrassment.

Suzetsu wanted to confirm one of his theories. After activating his Dojutsu, his eyes allowed him to know the energy channels of the devils. So he had an idea to improve the circulation of power in Kuisha.

What was that method? A massage and together with 'injecting' part of his energy into any of her points to generate an unlocking and thus allow greater efficiency in the distribution of her power.

As it is a massage, he had to make direct contact with her body, so she only wore a bikini and, despite her shyness, she trusted the young man's method to increase her abilities. But she never thought that she would feel these emotions ...


"How is it?" - Suzetsu asked him when he finished his treatment.

"..." - Kuisha turned around as her eyes seemed a little bright and her face was red.

Suzu frowned and then he touched her forehead to see if anything was wrong. She recovered himself and let out a little squeak.

"Mmm it seems like you're fine, you can go wash up and tell me how it went"

Then the beauty looked at her body and she realized that she had a disgusting and fetid black liquid. She then ran in the direction of a bathtub that was in a part of the cave while her face burned with shame. In the process of releasing her energy channels, it was normal to release certain impurities.

"This is unbelievable, he is…" - Kuisha murmured as she cleaned herself.

She later described to Suzetsu that her ability had increased by 20%. She was incredibly astonished, not only that, but her training speed doubled.

'the result is not bad. Although I thought it could be something better ... you don't have to be arrogant, I'm just starting with this' - Suzu thought as he shook his head. He also wondered if this could have an impact on the Gremory house girls despite her high level. But everything had a cost, after helping her to 'clean' her channels there was great consumption of his mental and spiritual energy. He still needs to practice.


"This is ..." - Coriana was red as a tomato as she was touched by Suzetsu. But after she was surprised by the sudden information she received when the young man released strange energy.

"Not much, I just sped up an unlocking of a particular innate magic that you have"

"This magic is ..." - the beauty was a bit surprised by the sudden information.

"Innate magic that allows the release of certain types of pheromones to provoke specific behaviors in others"

"... I see" - said the beauty with some contemplation. Then she looked, with mischievous eyes, at the young man in front of her.

~~ Zzzz ~~ - Coriana's body released strange energy, imperceptible to others.

'... this girl, do you think you can fool me?' - of course, Suzetsu immediately realized what was happening.

The young man did indeed feel a certain attraction towards beauty, but his willpower was tremendous and his eyes also allowed him a certain resistance despite being at his basic level. But she will play with him, if she wants to, then let's play!

He then acted as if he was hypnotized.

"Kyaaaaa" - Coriana moaned when she was pressed by Suzu's body.

Suzetsu found the situation funny, he thought the girl was scared, but who sends her to provoke him? but it didn't take long for her to realize that she seemed the opposite. Coriana wrapped her arms around his neck as her eyes burned with stars.

The young man seemed to be about to kiss her, but he tapped his finger on her forehead- "ouchhh" - the beauty squealed in pain.

"Well, later I will give you a treatment to release part of your energy" - said the young man while before disappearing from the place.

"Bakaaaa!" - the beauty yelled before giving a small smile.


"HAAAAA!" - Gandoma shouted after eliminating the last wolf they were fighting against.

In these 4 months, they have improved a lot, especially in their teamwork. The beauties have increased their abilities much faster. The rock man has much more compacted muscles and his speed has increased thanks to the body postures that Suzu taught him as well as his guidance. Misteeta too, Suzetsu had pointed out an internal section of his Sacred Gear had the ability to absorb the target's canceled ability from him and then direct it with 50% power wherever he wanted, although he still had to practice quite a lot.

In this time Suzetsu had gotten to know them much more and felt quite comfortable with them. He had given them some methods to train and every day they went hunting some beasts to put it into practice.

Obviously, Suzetsu didn't put aside his training either. In the mornings he did basic training with fists, kicks, etc. He then practiced some jutsus and finally, he left instructions to the group and he left with them or fought alone in deeper areas in the forest.

[[They have improved a lot]] - Kirisu told him after seeing them killing the group of middle and lower-class wolves.

[[not bad ... but it's time to part ways]]

[[you will tell Sairaorg]]

[[Yes, he had already told me that he had left his practice but I told him to wait a few weeks to surprise him]]

[[I see, the reaction of those brats will be interesting]]

[[…]] - Suzetsu thought about Kirisu's words and looked from Coriana and Kuisha. They seemed to catch his gaze. Coriana stuck her tongue out at him as she flirtatiously winked at him and Kuisha stood proud.

"BE CAREFUL!" - Suzu yelled at them when he felt a powerful presence approaching. But it was too late.

'Shit! I got distracted'

When he ran into the bushes, his pupils suddenly contracted!

A huge toad is standing there, and his huge red tongue is tying one of Coriana's legs and shoving it into his mouth!

This toad is probably five meters tall and looks like a scary creature! The overall picture is not much different from that of a small toad, but the pustules on its body are extraordinarily disgusting and large! His eyes are blood red, especially terrible!

"CORIANA!" - Kuisha shouted, worried about her friend.

Then Coriana released a variety of powers, but it didn't do much substantial damage to the toad, and her legs dragged her through the air. Everyone would panic, much more if they were not prepared. She was only a fourteen-year-old girl!

Suzetsu moved with tremendous speed, almost as if he teleported and then appeared next to the giant toad sending a big punch!

~~ poof ~~ the blow was heard, but the beast's stomach did not cause any damage, it only made his muscles sink.

The toad growled angrily that an ant was so insolent. He moved his paw to hit him, but Suzetsu wasn't that trash either.

He made a quick movement with both hands.

- the young man performed an attack that he had practiced in these months.

This is an A-level Ninjutsu Style Jutsu. He launched a powerful and huge violent jet of water from his mouth that goes at a very high speed and with great pressure.

~~ GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAA ~~ the beast yelled after being hit from such a short distance.

The technique went through his skin, through flesh and blood, but this thing is estimated to be too thick to cause substantial damage, but there is still pain! Then, her tongue released Coriana that she was filled with a disgusting liquid, and then she let out a high-pitched scream.

Suzetsu ran to the beauty, grabbed her around the waist, and then left her next to Kuisha to be carried away.

The moment the giant toad's skin erupted, his poison splashed out of him, and the flowers and plants he touched instantly corroded to ash.

"Hide!" - The young man yelled at them to get away.

"Suzu ... be careful"

Kuisha cried out worried, she had already gotten used to calling him by his nickname. The group knew that they had nothing to do, only an obstacle for the young man.

Then Suzetsu looked at the beast that had bloodthirsty eyes. He remembered what he had studied with Grayfia.

[King of the Ten Thousand Toads]: Level: Quasi Supreme Class (Upper Class), Attribute: Earth, a slower but stronger defensive monster. The scariest thing is its extremely flexible tongue, which has extremely strong flexibility. Great defensive and offensive ability and has a very poisonous body.

Skills: [Death Flogging]: Use your tongue to achieve an extremely powerful, fast whipping effect.

[Death Sonic]: Releases powerful sound waves, with a very strong destructive power.

[Toxin Blast]: The Toad King's desperate blow, wounding a thousand enemies and self-destructing 800, exploding all pustules on the skin, and the toxins will splash all enemies within dozens of meters, and they will die if they are they touch!