Human world

She did not understand why the other person helps her without knowing her, but the heart of the young woman who was already downcast and desperate for the world suddenly had an indescribable touch. It turned out that someone was willing to protect and help her. It turned out that this world had not abandoned her ...

Endless bitterness and emotion rushed into her heart, but after what happened, she is already a strong young woman so she sought to maintain emotional stability.

"Young man, let her go. You are not our opponent. Don't stop us from destroying the evil girl. "

Suzetsu and the wizards were in dispute, and the middle-aged wizard finally made his way.

"I will repeat again, I will not let her!" - the young man answered firmly, his tone seemed to give a final sentence.

"Do you think you can stop us?" - Already a little disgusted, the middle-aged wizard's tone turned cold.

Suzu sighed and knew that he couldn't stop it. Although he has been trying to gain experience for almost a year, his swordplay has also overcome the bottleneck and has improved a lot, felt a sense of regret, but after all, a legendary character finds himself on a mountain of corpses in the upgrade process, maybe this is just another passing episode in his life.

"Don't force me" - said Suzu.

The magicians shook their heads.

Strange words were spoken in the magician's mouth wanting to cast a spell without caring for the young man's words, so seeing this, under the astonished expression of the girl and the wizards, Suzu's long sword waved it towards the nearest one!

Without the slightest bit of contrition, the sharp blade even scratched a superficial blood mark on the neck, they barely saw the technique of laido! ...

This scene deeply shocked the magicians and the young woman!

But soon they heard the sound of gushing blood as ahead fell to the ground, the sword was infused with chakra with a thin layer that penetrated his neck.

"Young man, why are you doing this?" - the older said as his face was turning purple, he was terribly angry that he had been ignored by a brat.

The young woman on one side stubbornly covered her mouth, while the middle-aged wizard came to his senses and took a deep breath.

"Because I want to protect her" - he replied in a cold tone.

The blood tightened the atmosphere a bit, as Suzu replied calmly.

Although his eyes were firmly unyielding, the young man's heart laughed helplessly. He did not know the young woman, but something inside him told him that he had to save her or in the future, he would regret it, he was simply still a minor who had no blood on his hands killing other humans, except a few like those who accompanied Diodora, but somehow he did not feel disgusted, indeed, he had a certain excitement, perhaps due to the desire for battle or because of his germinating cells.

The black-haired girl was staring at Suzu's position like he was everyone she had. Even Suzu, with some surprise, heard the heart beating of the young woman next to him.

The whole scene was terrifying in silence, and despite the cold sweats on some wizards' foreheads, they still stared at the middle-aged wizard without giving in, waiting for his decision.

After a few tense seconds, the magician had a change of expression and simply said - "Go."

A slight sound came from the mouth of a middle-aged wizard, then he walked away.

"Lord master!" - Although a group of magicians was unwilling, they did not seem to dare to disobey the order of that middle-aged magician. They fiercely glared at Suzetsu and the young woman, then backed away in the direction of the middle-aged wizard.

"Hu ..."

He exhaled for a long time, and Suzu left the longsword in his hand, only to find that he was drenched in sweat at all times, although he had no major shocks from the murder, he still felt uneasy. (NA: I don't like it when the character kills his first humans and yet his reaction doesn't change. Although as Otsutsuki this will be his last time.)

"My name is Suzetsu Otsutsuki, and you?" - A little calmer, the young man turned and asked the young woman.

Looking at the handsome man in front of her, although she could not look at his face, she could see part of his skin and a few traces of his silky white hair, the young woman opened her mouth and finally made a sound:

"Ak-Akeno, himejima Akeno ..."

Suzu nodded his head and then took her hand to leave the place.

Then they went a little further to be more sure of the other men, once they felt at ease, the beautiful girl told him a little about her story. Himejima Akeno is the name of the young woman. Inherited fallen angel and human lineage, However, today she is just a woman who has been hunted by those who hate Fallen Angel.

'I didn't expect to meet this person on the way to gain experience' - Suzu couldn't help but sigh 'maybe this is better and not necessarily a bad thing ...'

"I am a warrior and I travel the world to hone my skill" - the young man gave a short introduction - "And you, where do you want to go?"

Although Akeno's current situation can be guessed, Suzu still asked.

"I don't know, I don't know ..." - Holding her tattered clothes, Akeno kept shaking her head.

The death of her mother caused great trauma in her young mind. She didn't know what purpose she had or where she wanted to go. She simply wandered aimlessly and lived in a vacuum.

"If you don't know, come with me, and let's walk together for a while" -

mumbled the hooded young man after thinking a bit. It was also a good opportunity to be with someone who knew the world of mortals.

"You don't hate me?" - Akeno looked up in disbelief.

"Hate ... why to hate?" - With a smile, Suzu asked back.

"Because, as I am the daughter of Fallen Angel and Human, I have a dirty bloodline ..." - she lowered her head again and there was a hint of inferiority and aversion in the young woman's voice.

She hated her wings, and she hated her bloodline too because all her misfortunes went for them.

"You are the daughter of Fallen Angel and Human, and I am something special, but I come from the devil world haha" - she replied with a smile in her eyes, then she looked at the girl with deep eyes - "Now, Akeno, don't you think that this is destiny? " - He remembered a shitty phrase he had heard a few times.

After hearing Suzu's words, Akeno's face showed an incredible expression again.

Due to her mother's relationship with that man, she naturally knew what the Devil was. She also knew that the 3 groups hated each other.

She didn't expect that the boy who saved her turned out to be from the demon world.

"De-Devil, you are the devil ..."

"I said that I am special, maybe in the future I can tell you" - Suzu shook his head and then continued "I even know that many hate my existence, but I have never felt that I have a dirty lineage on me. If you can feel good with yourself, what does it matter what others say ?! Besides, your blood is also a memory of your mother."

"... Good with myself" - she softly murmured the little girl repeating Suzu's words.

"Then Akeno, would you like to go with me and be my partner?"

Staring at Suzetsu, looking at his pure and sincere attitude, Akeno suddenly realized that the cold and dark world of him did not seem to be so desperate because a light was shining ...

"Y-Yes" - she replied as looked at her own feet with some nervousness and with inexplicable sensations.

"You are quite exhausted and injured, let me take you to a shelter..." - the young man finally said while he gave her some medicines. She just watched him as she lost herself staring into those beautiful mauve eyes.