Happiness and 'accident'

2 weeks later, just as the young man was preparing to train, Tsunade appeared again stopping his step, causing Suzetsu confusion since it was the first time she interrupted his training.

"Tell me Suzu, why do you want to make yourself so strong? Do you want to be Hokage?" Asked suddenly.

"Hokage? Dedicate me to diplomatic and administrative matters? Hehe, nothing like that, I have no interest in being a Hokage, my goal is ... to reach the top and thus control my own destiny and protect my people." He said confidently as he clenched his fists tightly. Not saying shit about revenge and others, after all, she didn't know the story from him, nor did he want to bore her.

"Ohhh".Tsunade looked at him with piercing eyes, then dimmed with nostalgia and sadness as she remembered her brother and Dan


[[Tsunade flashback]]

"Nawaki, I can't believe you're turning twelve, take your gift". Said a young Tsunade with a big smile to her little brother.

"Just because you are my sister, it is not mandatory that you give me a gift" - the birthday boy replied with a tender pout.

"You are a baby for me, so just open it"

"Sister, is this what I think it is?" With great excitement, he took a necklace from the gift bag.

"Yes, it belonged to our grandfather, the necklace of the first Hokage". Answer with a huge smile as she hugged the little one.

"I adore you sister"

"Hahahaha I knew you had already had your eye stall on this, take good care of him" - she finished saying as she kissed his hair.

"I will, not just the necklace, this whole village, I will protect all these people, after all I mean a lot to the grandfather, as the grandson of the first Hokage I will continue with his legacy"

It was the last moment she remembered of her little brother as she continued with the memories of her first love ...



"I still don't want to die, I can't die in this place, I still have many things to do". Said a handsome man as he bled to death.

"... Don't talk Dan, you'll be fine, don't worry, I stopped the bleeding" -Tsunade, crying, replied as she did her best with her medical ninjutsu.

"I see, that's good, I'm sorry Tsu-na-deee ..." - Was the young man's last words.



"AHHHHHH!" Shouted a desperate Tsunade as she saw her hands stained with blood that later caused her phobia, resulting in her moving away from ninja work.

[[end of flashback]]



"Tsunade, Tsunade, is something wrong?" - Suzu said bringing her back to the present.

"Ahhhh, sorry, I remembered my brother, they were basically the same age," she said sadly.

"I'm sorry ... mm would you like us to sit down?" he commented apologetically.

"Do not worry"

"... Well, I'm sorry again, I would have liked to meet him." He told him after a moment, he remembered that Shizune had told him that it was a touchy subject for the beauty.

"He would have liked it too ... well, there's something I want to talk about." She managed to compose herself again and then looked at him seriously.

"Whatever Tsunade, please"

"Do you remember I told you about the first Hokage named Hashirama?" she said, returning to her normal tone.

"Sure, a very powerful ninja" - he replied after remembering it.

"He's my grandfather," she said proudly as she looked at the brat with a smile.

"Ahhh". Suzu was a bit surprised. He already knew the importance of that man, it is said that he was the most powerful individual in ninja history. Like a Shinobi God.

"That's right, in addition, he distinguished himself was by the wood element, his most powerful techniques came from that nature"

"Ohhhh incredible" - said the young man excitedly, waiting for her to continue. He really was interested in that element.

"In all these years no one has acquired the skills that he had, only a few can use this combined element, but not with the strength of my grandfather since only by DNA modifications... he has been the only one with the Kekkei Genkai original and thanks to this he was the founder of the central village "- she said, taking out even more chest than he already had.

"I will not lie to you, I am looking forward to knowing that village, after all, it was founded by your grandfather, it would be very interesting" - He was truly surprised by the relevance of the First Hokage.

"It won't be long, but before that, you… appeared Suzu, I believe in you, maybe you are the hope to continue with my grandfather's legacy, at least it is my duty as his granddaughter to look for a capable person and give him an opportunity, if you are able to use the wooden jutsus, I am sure that in the future your name will shake the world "- he had already thought about the situation a lot, his experience told him that Suzetsu was a trustworthy guy.

Suzu felt warmth in his heart and recorded in his mind the actions of the Sannin, after all, he knew that she had quite a bit of trouble in revealing something so great, any ability of the First Hokage, it would certainly cause a great sensation in the Shinobi world, even it could be the cause of wars, but now she simply wanted to hand it over to him for study.

"Thank you very much for trusting me Tsunade, I will not disappoint you". He said seriously and eyes like rays that stared at the older woman, causing her body to react slightly with some nervousness.

"Humm ... I have this parchment of the seals, something that even the Hokage does not know, my grandfather gave it to me when I was young, he made me promise that I would only show it when I considered that there was someone suitable" - she said as she took out and handed him a scroll, even shaking Shizune who had already approached them.

It is a scroll that contains different techniques that contain the wood element, in addition to Hashirama's thoughts to facilitate teaching. Due to the dangerous techniques, it contains, the scroll was handed over to the most trusted person, his granddaughter, in hopes of finding the right people.

In addition, it includes not only techniques of the element, but also thoughts and experience on various methods. Simply an extraordinary roll, something for which even a great war would form for the taking of the object.

'low-level skills, medium level, high level and… this is top level'. Suzetsu experiences the roll feeling a warming heart. He was really grateful and his heart was a bit erratic, he was really excited as he looked at each of the abilities.

He remembered in one of the conversations with the girls from the Gremory house where they told him that some people simply gave something important without wanting anything in return, he did not believe it, but this showed that they were right.

He suddenly felt the need to hug her, so he ran towards a Tsunade who didn't have time to react.

Suzu firmly affirmed her and kissed her face... in seconds, after feeling the two big softballs pressing on him, he had a slight tingling in his stomach and even had a reaction in the body that embarrassed the 2 beauties, even Tsunade because is the first time changed her face to a reddish color by shyness after long years. Shizune turned her face while she covered her mouth, she had never seen her teacher in this state, she was happy for her and even a little envious ...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was just very happy" - said an embarrassed Suzetsu, they have never seen him with that slightly reddish face that caused the beauties to be lost again.

He couldn't help it, it has been a long time since has had any action and his body seems quite energetic in that regard, it was inevitable that a strong and yearning body would not have a reaction, especially for him whose body was 'special'.

'Shit! I lost all face. ' He laughed with a sour face.

"Nooooo, don't worry, it's fine..." Tsunade tried to get back to naturalness. 'You are an old woman, you are an old woman' she repeated to herself inside.

"Cough cough! calm down Suzu, everything is fine ". Shizune spoke with serious eyes, but her eyes wandered to certain places.

Then there was silence in the air.

"Then it's my turn, I would also like to tell you something" - Suzetsu finally said, after a few moments of reflection and taking a serious attitude.