Hashirama's Seal Scroll

Suzu was a bit surprised, but after learning about the horrors of the world he came from when wars broke out, nothing seemed too terrible for him so he kept his indifferent attitude. "... I see"


"When you get to the village you will certainly attract a lot of attention, it may be more convenient for you to hide your appearance," Shizune said as she looked at the young man's beautiful face.

"Hmm, wearing a mask is really disgusting as is wearing glasses to hide my eyes ..." then Suzu started to weigh the options, she was also not afraid of the force of the ninjas in case of problems, so he said "whatever, I will only wear a mask the first days to get to know the village, then I will be in the open although I will hide my horns and also my Sharingan "

The beauties wanted to talk but they stopped, after all, they couldn't meddle too much in his affairs. They wanted to tell him that it was not precisely because of his eyes that he would attract attention, rather because of how 'particular'. Women will be drawn like a magnet by him.

Then they continued talking about some topics related to the forces of the village until they returned to speak about jutsus.

"COUGH, COUGH ... well, very good, now look at the roll, I would like to see if you can use the mokuton element, if so, my grandfather would be happy to finally have found a suitable user." Tsunade had a beautiful smile on her face as she looked at the young man. It had been too many emotions in a short time.

They finally ended the conversation as the three of them headed into the forest to test the use of the mokuton element.

After a few minutes, they reached the vicinity of a waterfall where they found a fairly flat terrain where the young man will use it as a practice area. The women were at a suitable distance so as not to interrupt him.

Calmly, Suzu proceeded to open the parchment of the seals and his face went constantly in surprise as he looked at him more attentively than he had done previously.

The content includes the Jutsus of the style of the wood that is distributed according to the level of demand and power, even in the parchment one of another nature is presented.

Hashirama divided the techniques as follows:


Mokuton: Mokujouheki / Wood Blocking Wall: After the necessary seals, the user will lift a large amount of wood from the ground and some pillars will appear in front of him, which will join to form a semi-dome that will protect him from attacks.

Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu / great forest: The user executes some seals and creates from his arm a large amount of wood that he can use to hold his target or hit him. He will be able to tunnel in floors, ceilings, and walls using this technique without making noise, as long as there is a minimum opening.

Mokuton: Mokusatsu Shibari no Jutsu / Choking Binding: The user transforms his arm into the wood and from it some threads of this same material will extend towards his opponent and capture him, restricting his movements.


Mokuton: Moku Bunshin no Jutsu / Wood Clone - Creates a wood clone by altering the user's own cells with chakra. It has more resistance than normal shadow clones and does not disappear easily when hit by enemy attacks. Moreover, since it has the ability to merge with plants and trees, it is also ideal for reconnaissance missions. They have the ability to travel long distances by the user and are able to communicate with the original. Is even able to use it for practice.

Mokuton: Hōbi no Jutsu - Creates a dome-shaped defensive structure that completely surrounds the user, as well as takes on the face of a dragon.

Mokuton Hijutsu: Jukai Koutan / Birth of a World of Trees: After some seals, the user will grow a huge amount of vegetation around him on any surface. Later he will be able to control the trees and roots at his will, as long as he maintains the seal. He will be able to manipulate vegetation to trap, hit, crush or pierce the enemy.

Mokuton: Renchuuka no Jutsu / House of Four Pillars Technique: Used to create multiple houses at the same time, but leaves the user extremely exhausted.


Mokuton: mokujouheki no jutsu / shell: A wooden shell is created that defends from attacks and expels the attack into the air.

Ninjutsu of Space-Time: Kuchiyose Goju Rashomon / The Fivefold Invocation Rashomon: huge doors are invoked that serve as an absolute defense to block the opponent's attacks.

Mokuton: Kajukai Kourin / Advent of a World of Flower Trees: Using the Hebi seal, the user will grow a large number of trees around him that he can use to attack his opponents. In turn, they will have flowers that can release pollen; when inhaled, it will knock out everyone in range. No defense is able to save itself from this pollen.

Mokuton: Mokuryuu no Jutsu / Wooden Dragon Jutsu: The user executes some seals and creates a giant wooden dragon capable of restricting the movements of his opponent and absorbing the Chakra with each bite. It can detonate it, resulting in a large explosion.

Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu / Wooden Man Jutsu: After the seal, the user will create a wooden humanoid figure, whose size will be gigantic. He is as strong as a Bijuu, his torso is surrounded by a dragon.

Senpou Mokuton: Shin Suusenju / ten thousand hands: After entering Sennin Moudo, the user will create a wooden statue of titanic proportions for multiple purposes, offensive or defensive. His hands are capable of holding a Bijuu.

Senpou Mokuton: Choujou Kebutsu / Summit of Transformed Buddha: After employing the above technique, the user fired the statue's miles of hands at its target to completely destroy it.

Senpou: Myojinmon / The Wise Art: Gate of the Great God: is capable of manifesting a select number of red Torii gates of massive size and a hugely gigantic mass that fall from the sky in order to fix the intended target between the gate and the floor.

Finally, what followed were the guidelines for entering Sage mode along with some methods and rules for it. Although they were only vague comments, it specified that each one should look for it in their own way.

When he finished reading the scroll, Suzetsu was shocked, he thought that Hashirama's influence was exaggerated, but after analyzing the learning notes and the scope of the skills he could understand that they were not only true but that they hardly did justice to the figure of the First Hokage.

'shit, this is really cool. I'm dying to do the S levels'. A huge smile formed on Suzu's face imagining how he would see himself mounted on a huge wooden body.

He also recalled other important information from this world.


The ranks of power in the shinobi world are as follows:

Genin: They are lower grade ninjas, who perform missions and training in groups generally of 3 together with a chünin or jounin. These are usually given the easiest missions for their ninja training, assigning them very simple D-rank missions like taking care of pets and babies. However, they are sometimes allowed to perform C rank missions which, unlike D rank, do include simple battles against bandits and another genin. Genin usually knows a few simple hallmarks and techniques.

Chūnin: It means medium-level Ninja. The genin twice a year has the possibility of taking the chūnin promotion exam with the consent of the jōnin, so if this is passed he can have access to this level. A chūnin is in charge of doing level C and B missions. In addition, he can be a teacher at the ninja academy. The Chūnin have the right to be the leader of a group on a mission.

Jōnin: It means high-level Ninja. To become a jōnin, the Ninja in question must have control over a minimum of two types of chakra nature or have a specialty related to some type of techniques, but it is known that the ninjas of this rank have the possibility of continuing to do missions with other ninjas of high degree, can form a group with 3 genins to their responsibility or enter the ANBU. These ninjas are the only ones who can be entrusted with an A or S rank mission, which are usually highly dangerous such as assassinations or spying on a rival village.

Sannin: They are originally from the Hidden Village of Konoha, and their names are Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. All of them have a higher level than that of a jonin, and can be equated with a Kage.

ANBU: an organization of elite ninjas under the direct orders of the Kage. The first of these appeared in Konoha and was created by the second Hokage, later being adopted by other villages.

Kage (Shadow): It is the highest title that a Ninja can receive, the leader of the village. Only the leaders of the five great Ninja villages are allowed to wear this title. They are generally the most powerful ninjas of their time, although sometimes, there may be exceptions. For example, a ninja may be the most powerful at the time of being installed as Kage, but over time he can lose strength, eventually being overtaken by a younger ninja.


There are also beings more powerful than the normal Kage, these would be the legendary and divine levels, but they will only be approached when the occasion comes.