
It had been a couple of days since she spoke to the 4 before she was interrupted a short time later by some AMBU. Only now could Tsunade start classes. 

Because she was considered the best doctor, she had to be absent to do missions.

"Lady Tsunade sensei" the girls greeted her respectfully, Hinata is nervous while her new leader looked at her intensely. 

The three of them were surprised to see her beauty. They were even envious of how mature she looked and were shocked by the change she had in a few days.

"Just call me Lady Tsunade for the moment." 

'After all, maybe we will be sisters in the future,' she thought, looking askance at her lover.

"Well girls, as you know our team will be composed of me as your leader, Suzetsu as your assistant, and you three. 

I chose them because I could see that they have great conditions to learn my skills, Sakura has a natural physique, Hinata with her eyes will be able to use blows and medical tactics better and Ino because she has great wisdom and uses her innate qualities of mind control along with The combination with the team, the attacks will be lethal to the enemy."

She then told them something that made them excited.

"And maybe if you show enough ability I will teach you the sage mode with which you will be able to demonstrate your powers to the fullest" - the girls were excited and when they heard the sage mode their eyes stood up like antennas as imagined the reach of their levels, but they knew it would be difficult.

Suzu smiled at her words, he knew that she wanted to give them motivation to try their hardest. He suddenly remembered his partner Kirisu and wondered when she would wake up.

"I excel in medical jutsu and taijutsu, my blows are the strongest in the entire leaf village, even stronger than the Hokage, but that is not easy to achieve, now I ask you, do you want to improve your bodies?" "- said it, sticking out her proud chest while the girls stood tall shouting a loud yes.

"Well, I only have one disciple, Shizune, and the truth is I had no intention of adding more, so you must show their value or you will be eliminated from the title of Genin and forget about my training and sharing with Suzu, I don't need useless over here that wasting my time" - she gave them a terrifying smile and the girls became gloomy. 

'Whatever I have to show what I'm capable of' The three of them thought the same, being trained by a Sannin and being able to stay in contact with the young man was something they deeply longed for, it was a great opportunity that they didn't want to waste.

"Well, we will start with this, you will use these pieces that will increase your gravity by double and you will have to perform the following exercises, meanwhile Suzu will use one that increases it by three" Then she gave each of them a kind of belt that so that they could They will be tied around the waist and an exercise routine sheet that includes running along the edge of the field, sit-ups, squats, etc.

"ehhhhhh" the girls shouted in disbelief, looking at the strange object that they had never heard of before.

"This is one of the tools that my grandfather used in his training, it is not like those tools that simply raise more weights, this is something different, so prepare yourselves"

"Wow so from the first Hokage Hashirama, interesting" – Suzu was slightly excited as he adjusted his belt.

"How do we activate it?" Ino asked curiously.

"Just activate it with chakra, but you won't be able to cancel it, only I am allowed to do so or you will fail the test" – Tsunade responded with a devilish smile.

"Okay then" – then the girls activated the mechanism and felt as if they were sinking to the ground.

"AHHHHH" – they screamed a little terrified, their bodies fell due to the pressure and the sudden change of their bodies.

"Hehe, of course, twice sounds simple, but their organs are stretched by the high pressure, which affects their breathing and causes discomfort in their internal areas, their weight doubles, and their footsteps are more difficult. 

Of course, if you use the chakra then you could easily overcome it, but as a task, they can only use their bodies, the person who uses the chakra there is no need to appear in front of me again" – Tsunade said seriously, it was evident that for the training was not dedicated to fun, but got straight to the point.


"Suzu, it's your turn" – she said, looking at him with a smile, but with a bit of evil as if she wanted to see him suffer a little and experience the hardness that she felt a few nights ago.

"Hai" – then, using his chakra, the young man activated the belt.

He frowned slightly, not because of the weight, but because of the strange sensation in his organs.