Handing Joshua Reads Feu

Have you ever imagined how relative time is? Some of the best astrophysicists tried to solve the great equation of time. But time is not resolved, time is lived, and every second it changes. Remember the great current? Sometimes fighting against time is bad because the weather is like the current but in a different way, it puts things in their place in due time. For the first time I woke up with a good self-esteem, I started the day by opening all the windows in the room and the house, I had even started a new book with the unknown title but I already had a plan in mind.

_Good morning Josh

Even Frank found my whole animation strange.

_Bom morning Frank then? How are things ?

I was excited to hear everyone, I even looked like a psychologist ready to help everyone with their emotions, but she came in the door and it broke my heart. She was physically devastated, that smile had faded and her eyes were swollen like those who cried all night, she didn't wear sleeveless shirts just a beige blouse that even was horrible to me. She approached the counter in silence and looked at me.

_Oo Josh ... Can we talk?

Frank stood with a spoon of yogurt in his mouth.

_Eu I will leave you alone with excuse me.

As much as it hurt me, it hurt to see her like this, maybe it would be nice to hear what she had to say. I sighed before accepting.

_Of course ... there is a room here in the back, come with me.

The "Room" was actually where I repaired old books, the room smelled of glue and new pages. I pulled a chair for her to sit but she preferred to stand.

_Entao ... can talk.

She took a deep breath and then started.

_I know that I'm not the best person in the world .... and what I did can't really be fixed but ... you were the only good thing I had left and I can't lose that too .... that's why i came here to ask your forgiveness.

Her eyes watered again.

_every day i feel dirty and filthy for what i did ... but when i am with you i feel like somebody for real. Someone better ... as if I were living in my world now, no longer alone.

I interrupted you right away. She was using a phrase from my book to ask for forgiveness.

_The problem here is not that I forgive you ... the truth Alice is that you don't want to forgive yourself .... you would do anything to live your dream. And you did not with me ... not with his wife (Pause to think) ... sir but with yourself. You don't need them to be happy, you don't need them to feel like someone because to me you are ... in fact, it's much more than just someone. Forget those people and stay here ... live it ... live now.

You couldn't even look at me straight.

_eu ... I can't drop everything now ...

It's Alice, you weren't ready to give up your "life" or everything you supposedly built to live with a simple book seller.

_ So unfortunately you just lost the only good thing you had left.

Alice was an amazing girl, but she didn't know how to live the time as

Route he takes. The truth is that you were a stone standing in the middle of the current trying to move but you weren't going anywhere. It hurt to see you leave that way but the choice was yours and I couldn't interfere ... not even like the astronaut you admired so much.

An old adage already said, "Soft water on hard stone, it beats until it punctures. The big question is what happens when a stone cracked in half breaks for good?

The night came and there I was at the foot of the notebook writing again "inspiring" phrases about how life goes on and how we should follow it until.

Message received


_josh? Please let's talk

Typing ....

_I really need you 😭

After the countless messages you received, you called me 10 times, and after that the sirens came towards your home. It turns out Alice that all that strength you seemed to have turned against you. The weight on your conscience was so great that you didn't think twice about slitting your wrists in the living room until it went out. The truth was that I was part of that and the weight you felt came over my shoulders and while the paramedics were trying to revive you I received the news from your neighbor that every Tuesday night she left her son with you, she realized that you were lying down on the blood-soaked carpet next to a written letter handing it over to Joshua reads feu. The same weight that was on your conscience was now on me ... a weight so great that I didn't even stand when I received the news that you were ....

Never let the stars of your universe fall completely.