Exchange for Demonic Pill

Wang Hu had done his preparations in short time.

Three-eyed Tiger's body was very big, so Wang Hu cut a few of the tender parts, such as the chest, thighs, and other places where the meat was firm.

Jiang Yiyi was still thinking about how to get the demonic pill of Three-eyed Tiger from Wang Hu when she was suddenly attracted by the smell of meat.

She felt that the meat in front of her had become extremely attractive, and could not help but want to take a bite.

As a member of the Northwind Kingdom royal family, Jiang Yiyi had eaten all kinds of delicious food before. However, she had never smelled such delicious food before.

The meat juice was burnt tender and yellow, and the texture of the meat gave off a crisp sound.

Following that was an extremely rich fragrance, causing her unable to shift her gaze away.