Sage Realm Sea Monsters!!!

"Reinforcements are here. It's time for us to counterattack. Kill them all!"

The city guards who had come to their senses did not rest. Instead, they roared with laughter, gathered together and charged at the sea monsters even more valiantly. In the eyes of the people of Nanyi City, their figures were still resolute as before. It was just that this time, they were not fighting alone.

There were six disciples of Xuan Yi who had battle strength above half-step Sect Master Realm. At this moment, all the Sect Master Realm Sea Monsters in the great region had fallen. They cooperated with the city guards and charged at the sea monsters as if they were in an uninhabited land.

In less than half a month, a big part of the land of Nanyi City was empty.

The ground was filled with piles of sea monsters corpses. The indigo sea monster blood had gathered into a lake for the first time in this great region!
