The Provocation of a Living Legend

Of course, there were also many cultivators who had obtained rare spiritual herbs.

They were also targeted by others and wanted to seize their yield.

However, these battles would end very soon. Because this place was too close to Middle Saint Academy, no one dared to make too much of a ruckus.

However, this peace was quickly broken.

In the gloomy sky, a blood-colored crack suddenly split open and stretched for hundreds of miles, making people feel intimidated.

A man with a murderous aura walked out of the crack. His eyes were full of murderous aura. He possessed the domain and his voice could be heard for tens of thousands of miles.

Xuan Yi was here.

The cultivators below were shocked. A commotion was heard, which made the man even more impatient.


The man in blood armor pointed out a blood-red light and smashed a bottomless hole on the ground.

"Is Xuan Yi here?"