The Royal City

At this moment, the royal city was bustling with activity.

Merchants were shouting on the streets, and many cultivators were selling medicinal pills on the streets.

Xuan Yi brought Rose around the royal city. The scenery was very good, but Xuan Yi did not feel anything special.

He and Rose went all the way to the royal city.

A large-scale event was being held there.

The emperor was choosing a concubine.

The entire royal city was filled with people, and many commoners were authorized to enter.

Otherwise, Xuan Yi and Rose would not have come here so easily.

Other than the commoners, there was only the group of officials sitting on both sides of the high platform in the city.

A man with an imposing aura sat in the middle.

He was all smiles as he watched the women on the stage being brought up to perform their talents. His interest was piqued.