Meet Your Match, A Lively Duel

Hua Youqing flicked her wrist, and a white light flashed. With a slight shake, the light on her sword became even brighter, and a majestic sword energy slashed towards Yu Linglong.

Like a shooting star, it flew towards Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong wielded her jade sword, emitting white light all around. Their sword energies collided in the air and jade-colored light scattered. Hua Youqing's figure drifted backwards. Yu Linglong also retreated a few steps.

In this battle between the two of them, there was still no victor.

Hua Youqing swung her wrist and gracefully took a series of steps. A sharp sword energy rushed toward Yu Linglong. Yu Linglong brandished her jade sword and sword rays shot out in all directions, meeting Hua Youqing's sword energy.

The two figures crossed each other in the air and the jade sword and Hua Youqing's longsword kept colliding. Blasts of overbearing air waves kept shooting out.