Chapter 3: New Home

After Young Master Gu left, Mother Qin cannot help question Su Ning about the visit. "NingNing do you really not remember Young Master Gu? You used to follow him around all the time and would visit him at mansion on weekends." "Nope. I don't remember" answered Su Ning honestly. "That's too bad. Mom hoped that Young Master Gu could help you recall your lost memories." Mother Qin said sadly.

Su Ning couldn't understand why she would tag along a kid with facial paralysis and had the impression that Gu YuChen didn't like her either. However, she felt there was no point in looking into these things since the original body doesn't run in the same social circles as Gu YuChen. As long as she doesn't visit the Gu Mansion, they are unlikely to ever meet again. She might as well focus her efforts in getting along with her friends in school and relearning her junior high studies!

The next day was a Saturday and Su Ning was finally discharged from the hospital. Father Su drove a white hatchback Mazda to pick-up Su Ning and Mother Qin. Upon seeing their ride, Su Ning internally cheered Father Su's economical choice for a vehicle. Of course, it is important to only spend only a small amount of your earnings on a car. It is better to save money for retirement. Unfortunately, Su Ning isn't able to voice these thoughts out to the original body's parents but she hopes that she can help them have a good life in their later years as restitution for raising her. 'I will make sure to protect them well, Su Ning. So rest easy where you are." promised Su Ning.

After a 20 minute drive, the family turned into a multi-storey car park near their apartment complex. Their home was at the 16th floor of a middle class neighborhood in district 3 of A City. Mother Qin guided Su Ning to her room where she was told to rest while lunch was prepared. Grandma Su and Aunt Su's family will be joining them for lunch to celebrate Su Ning's hospital discharge.

Su Ning looked around her small bedroom and found that it was too pink and princessy for her own taste. But it definitely suits the original body's looks. Su Ning prefers white, black, and neutral pieces for furniture and decorations. However, she feels bad to completely change the appearance of the room since it is like completely erasing the existence of Su Ning in her own parents home. 'It's all right. I can decorate my own place when I move out in the future.' she said as consolation. She began to look thru the original body's cell phone to get an idea of her social relationships but was a bit surprised to see that there were only text messages and calls to 3 individuals: Mother Qin, Father Su, and someone called Li Youqing. 'Is this Su Ning an outcast?' Su Ning cannot help but ask herself.

An hour later, Mother Qin has finished preparing lunch and there is a spread of dishes on the dining table. There was steamed fish, chicken bone broth soup, dumplings, lettuce wraps, vegetarian stir fry and longevity noodles. There were also some fruits, sticky rice cake and sweet sesame balls for dessert. Su Ning felt that this was too extreme for a family meal. Just then the front door opened and Father Su led Grandma Su, Aunt Su, her husband Wang Hao and daughter Wang Wen into the apartment.

Father Su had informed the group of Su Ning's condition - although the surgery had been successful, his daughter had partially lost her memory. Grandma Su quickly came in and patted Su Ning's head. "NingNing, how are you? Grandma is sorry she couldn't visit you at the hospital." Su Ning saw the genuine concern on Grandma Su's face and smiled. "It's okay Grandma. I feel well now." Aunt Su and Uncle Wang also took turns to check on her before going to the dining table. Su Ning who didn't have any relationship with her relatives in her past life began to feel a slight tickle in her heart.

Even Su Ning's cousin, awkwardly gave her a bag of candied fruit before asking "Are you really okay now? You don't need to go back to the hospital anymore?" "Mm. I'm okay now Wen-Jie" Su Ning answered with a kind smile as she accepted the present. "Thank you, Wen-jie. I will try the candy after lunch." Wang Wen's eyes widened at how her cousin addressed her. How did her cousin become so nice? Is this what happens when someone gets surgery? Wang Wen is a year older than NingNing but the latter never addressed her as JieJie. She also didn't give her present a disdainful look like she usually does. Her cousin NingNing doesn't seem so bad, maybe she will come visit more often so they can play together.

Lunch was quite enjoyable for Su Ning. She was finally able to eat flavorful dishes after eating only nutritional soups for a week. Su Ning wasn't able to eat too much before her stomach became uncomfortable so she spent the rest of the time listening to the conversations at the dining table. She was able to tell fairly quickly that the original owner was not close to her relatives. Su Ning spent more time playing with her doll collection and dress-up games on her phone. Since the original owner's body is still young, there are still many chances to foster positive relationships in the future.