Chapter 20: An Accident

The 'accident' happened right after New Year's. On a particularly snowy night, a truck had collided with the black Bentley carrying the Young Master Gu. The young master was immediately wheeled to the emergency room of the Hwaa Hospital and was in surgery for 10 hours. Fortunately, the surgery was successful and Gu YuChen was eventually moved to a private VIP ward. Gu YuChen had suffered organ damage to his liver and kidneys as well as a few broken ribs. In addition, he will need to wear a cast on his leg for 3 months.

While the young master Gu lay unconscious for 4 days, Gu Co Ltd was thrown into chaos as different factions began to delve into the origin of the heir apparent's 'accident.' Old Madam Gu was internally seething with rage yet chose to remain silent at this time and observe how Song Rui will act in this situation.

Meanwhile, in a 5 star hotel in S City, a seductively dressed woman threw a glass of wine at the man in black in front of her. "Useless! Can't even kill a 14 year old boy!" "Apologies, Madam" "Clean this up! It cannot be traced back to me!" "Yes, Madam" the unnamed man responded.

Upon further investigation, it was discovered the truck driver, Mr. Zhang, was heavily debt-ridden and had received a transfer of 1 million from an offshore account owned by Director Huang. The latter was from a rival company who had been recently bought out and restructured by Gu Co Ltd. Director Huang was one of the upper management employees laid off with severance pay. However, once he was apprehended by law enforcement, he easily confessed to hiring Mr Zhang to murder Young Master Gu as retaliation in guise of a car accident. Retrieval of the black box contents also showed how Mr Zhang intentionally swerved lanes to hit the passenger side of Young Master Gu's Bentley. The truck driver who had been detained by the police and pleading his innocence was found dead in his cell of apparent suicide. In all appearances, the case appeared to be a revenge plot of a disgruntled former employee. Director Huang was eventually sentenced to 25 years for attempted murder of Young Master Gu.

Eventually a few weeks later, Young Master Gu was discharged from the hospital and airlifted to Old Madam Gu's Mansion in their private helicopter. Gu YuChen will be staying at his grandmother's estate until his injuries are fully healed. In a tastefully furnished room, a young teenager sat in bed with cold eyes. Old Madam Gu who sat by his bedside reached over to say "Song Rui has finally acted. She actually dares to take this route." "It's good. There is no longer any need to be kind on our end as well."Gu YuChen responded with an icy smile.

Father Su had previously been notified of the accident and the current status of Young Master Gu's condition; however, he decided it was best for the family to pay a visit after Young Master Gu had been discharged. He worried that they might just bring unnecessary media attention to the Gu Family. Paparazzi had been camping around Hwaa Hospital as soon as news came out of the accident. Prior to Young Master Gu's discharge, Mother Qin had also been spending more time in the Gu Mansion to keep Old Madam Gu company. On the other hand, Su Ning felt worried for her friend but could only check-in with him through text messages. She didn't think their relationship was close enough to call each other on the phone but truthfully she felt sorry for him. Gu YuChen was only a 14 year old boy yet he is already being targeted just because he is the heir apparent of the Gu Family.

[NingNing_Star]: Gu YuChen. I heard you were in an accident.

[NingNing_Star]: Are you okay?

[NingNing_Star]: How are you feeling.

She hadn't been expecting an immediate response since Gu YuChen would likely be recuperating still. But to her pleasant surprise..

[YuChen_Fox]: I am doing better now.

[YuChen_Fox]: Thank you for asking.

[YuChen_Fox]: Will you come visit?

[NingNing_Star]: Yes. We will come on the weekend.

[YuChen_Fox]: Okay. I am looking forward to it.

Hoping to alleviate the bedridden Gu YuChen's boredom, Su Ning made a mental note to bring some board games to Grandma Gu's mansion on the weekend. Hmm. In fact, she should also pack some of the comics she liked to read. Reading funny light hearted stories should lift his mood.