Chapter 28: Young Master Lin

[Warning: This chapter contains mention of bullying and rape. Read at your own risk.]

Meanwhile, Lin Jin Yan who had gone back to the Lin Mansion for supper is currently sitting at an opulent dining table, his face devoid of its usual gentle smile. The members of the Lin family had all gathered to welcome the return of the only daughter Lin Na who at 23 years of age was a famous soprano who made her Royal Opera House debut in the title role of "Manon Lescaut." Lin JinYan's older brother Lin Feng, the current Director of Operations of XIIN Entertainment at 25 years old, was also present.

Father Lin and his parents Grandma Lin and Grandpa Lin were all smiles as they chatted with Lin Na who were busy regaling her recent experiences on stage. It was quite funny to think that Lin JinYan was the genius musical prodigy that the Lin Family would tout to the public but his treatment at home was completely different. In contrast to the affection experienced by siblings, he was treated with reservation and apprehension. It used to bother him somewhat before but now he has nary a care as he glanced at the watch on his gloved hand. 'Su Ning has probably eaten dinner by now. I miss her already.' Throughout dinner, Lin JinYan ate and listened to the conversations disinterestedly only answering summarily when questions were directed towards him.


Lin JinYan's mother Ming QiNuo was an accomplished classical musician who passed away shortly after giving birth to him. The doctors said she had caught a wasting disease during pregnancy though thankfully it was not transmitted to the newborn. In fact, Ming QiNuo had long wanted to leave Lin Hao due to his infidelity. Lin Hao had been having several affairs with talents signed with XIIN Entertainment. This caused Ming QiNuo who had deeply fallen in love and married Lin Hao to become disillusioned with his initial promise of a lifetime of love.

When she had realized that Lin Hao would never change his adulterous ways, she had insisted on getting a divorce. However, the eldest son Lin Feng was not born with a talent for music unlike the daughter Lin Na, so Ming QiNuo was constantly pressured by Grandma and Grandpa Lin to give birth to another child. For the elders, the honor of the Lin Family takes precedence over anything. They turned a blind eye to their son's cheating and believed it was Ming QiNuo's privilege to be married into the Lin Family. They believed that their daughter in law would eventually learn to live quietly raising their grandchildren.

Understandably, Ming QiNuo had been against the idea of having another child and refused to share a bed with Lin Hao. Ming QiNuo had planned to return to making music and began to secretly reach out to her sister, Ming Wan. She knew that the Lin Family would never let her leave willingly and began to make plans for her escape. Unfortunately before she could put her plans into motion, Lin Hao had drugged Ming QiNuo's drink and forced himself on his unconscious wife, getting her pregnant.

Back then, Lin Hao was still the VP of XIIN Entertainment and was intent on taking control of the company which was run by his older brother, Lin DaYin. Secretly lacking confidence in his abilities in comparison to his older brother, he was aware a divorce would hinder his chances of being CEO. So he came to a decision that would please both his parents and remove any talks of divorce in the future.

Ming QiNuo was devastated to learn that she was with child and felt hopeless as she confided in her sister. She didn't have the confidence to love a child conceived by rape much less to raise him the Lin household. Eventually, this forced pregnancy resulted in the rapid deterioration of her mental and emotional state, resulting in her dying a few months after delivering a healthy baby boy. It was only much later that Lin JinYan found out the truth from his aunt, Ming Wan.

Perhaps it was because their father Lin Hao was too busy with the company that he never bothered to explain the situation to his young children Lin Feng and Lin Na, aged 9 and 7 years at that time. So, his children inevitably grew up harboring a hatred for their youngest sibling, Lin JinYan, blaming him for their mother's death. They remembered their mother as a beautiful, sweet, and caring woman who suddenly grew pale, sickly, bitter and suicidal after she had gotten pregnant with Lin JinYan. For Lin Feng and Lin Na, Lin JinYan was directly responsible for their mother's death. They could still remember her crazed appearance a few weeks after the birth of Lin JinYan. She had refused to see the baby saying it was a monster. And then she had tried to kill herself with a shard of glass from a broken mirror.

Afterwards, the servants had to remove any items around the house that could be used as weapons but her behavior still grew increasingly erratic. She would be laughing one minute and shouting or crying the next. She would throw anything on hand at the servants and scream to be let out of the house. In the end, she had to be restrained in her room and soon after she refused to eat or drink. Consequently, she had to be force fed by the servants, yet she would make herself vomit everything she ate. Ming QiNuo was constantly suffering from delusions and was under the illusion that she was being fed poison. It was as if she had completely lost her sanity and until she passed away, she never regained her rationality.

Growing up in this environment, Lin Feng and Lin Na remained distant and antagonistic towards their baby brother, at times retaliating physically by pinching, poking, or hitting the child. They would exclude Lin JinYan during family gatherings and other social events, even mocking his mysophobia. Yet ever since he was child, Lin JinYan would just respond to such provocations with a smile, to her siblings' consternation. As they grew older, their acts against Lin JinYan slowly became more malicious: purposefully hiring people to get rid of his gloves, having his violin stolen before a contest, or defacing his study or living area at M Academy. But Lin JinYan never bothered to settle accounts with his siblings for what he deems to be childish acts.

On the other hand, Grandma Lin and Grandpa Lin didn't live in the Lin Manor and just couldn't fathom why they were unable to form a close familial connection with their youngest grandchild. Lin JinYan always appeared as the perfect prince in public with a gentle smile on his face. But at the same time, he is actually cold and indifferent to everyone. Years passed and now the boy was 16 years old yet their relationship could best be described as polite acquaintances. The boy could hardly tolerate a simple hug from them and would rarely hold their hands without gloves. Oftentimes, they wonder if Lin JinYan is even capable of feeling true emotions.

In the eyes of Grandma and Grandpa Lin, Lin Feng did not inherit any aptitude for music; however, he is intelligent, hard working and caring towards his younger sister. He possesses the skills for business management and has made many positive contributions to the company at a young age. Lin Na, on the other hand, was born with a beautiful soprano voice and would often act coquettishly asking her grandparents to spoil her, which they gladly did.

Of course, they were also very proud of her achievements as the Lin Family is widely regarded as a family with deep musical roots. Yet inside their hearts, they knew it is Lin JinYan who possesses the godly talent in music. It was a rare talent that hasn't been seen in generations. This leaves them feeling gratified knowing the prestige such talent will bring the Lin Family yet it also strikes fear in their hearts. Why did such talent have to be born to such a person?

As soon as dinner concluded, Lin JinYan bid everyone a polite goodbye and headed directly to his room. He wanted to hear Su Ning's voice as soon as possible to wash away the bitter aftertaste of dinner. However, as he made his way towards the staircase, an unpleasant male voice spoke behind him, "You've been having a lot of fun lately." Lin JinYan continued his steps up the staircase when Lin Feng continued, "Su Ning was it? She's a pretty girl." This sentence finally caused the desired effect and Lin JinYan turned to face his brother, his eyes narrowing slightly but he remained silent. Lin Feng smirked, "She seems nice. She has a voice our grandparents would like."

"..." Lin JinYan gritted his teeth at Lin Feng's continued instigation. "You should bring her over sometime.The family would love to meet her." Lin Feng smirked obnoxiously. Lin JinYan finally spoke his tone calm and steely but his eyes were filled with murderous intent, "Don't touch her." Lin Feng was taken aback by his little brother's sudden menacing aura and took a second to react. He recovered enough to remark, "Why? Are you afraid that little girl will find out what kind of person you really are?" Without a word, Lin JinYan turned around and continued up the stairs not looking back. Lin Feng snorted and spoke loud enough for him to hear, "Lin JinYan, you don't deserve to be happy."

It was only when Lin JinYan reached his bedroom that he looked down and realized his hands were trembling. 'Su Ning. I need to speak to Su Ning.' Lin JinYan thought with fervent urgency.