Chapter 44: Back to School

After Gu YuChen left for Cambridge, life in A City went on as normal. The new semester started in March and will end in mid-July. Su Ning was in a melancholic mood for several days while staying alone in the apartment near M Academy. Somehow these thoughts would go through Su Ning's mind.

'Did the apartment used to be this empty?'

'Although Gu YuChen normally doesn't talk much… was the place always this quiet?'

'I miss making fun of Gu YuChen's facial paralysis face.'


One night, Su Ning had a long dream. She had gone back to her previous body and she was 29 years old again. She wore her usual work outfit, had the badge for her company, and she lived in her ratty old one bedroom apartment.

But the only difference is she had the memory of her past 4 years living as young Su Ning. Her mind was in a complete daze. This A City seemed both familiar and foreign to her. She decided that she had to find Gu YuChen or Lin JinYan. 'Would Gu YuChen still be in C Country or did he leave for Cambridge already? Let's try to find Lin JinYan first.' she thought, making up her mind.

So she went straight to M Academy to search for Lin JinYan but the school security just thought she was a madwoman and wouldn't let her into the institution. Then, realizing Gu YuChen's apartment was nearby she headed over there next. But when she entered the house code on the keypad, it kept saying that she had inputted the wrong code. 'What does this mean? Was the last 4 years she spent living as the daughter of Su Kun and Qin Lan really just a figment of her imagination?' Su Ning began to panic! She quickly tried to flag a taxi to the district where her parents lived but found that there was no apartment building, instead there stood a parking garage.

'Did she really not live as Su Ning in the past 4 years?' she questioned herself again. Her memories as young Su Ning are so clear in her mind. But the life she lived doesn't seem to be present here. She could slowly feel herself losing sense of reality. Suddenly, amidst her anxiety, she realized she still had her cellphone. So with trembling fingers, she tried calling Gu YuChen only to hear the message: 'The number you have dialed is not in service.' 'No! No! What is going on?! Maybe, maybe he just changed his number. Right, I can call JinYan-ge. There is still Lin JinYan!' Su Ning thought with desperation. She had both their numbers memorized by heart. After a few rings, the call got connected… but before she could celebrate, an unfamiliar male voice answered, "Hello?" "Lin JinYan?" "Miss, You've got the wrong number." The person on the other line said and hung up the call. Then everything faded to black.

Su Ning woke with a start; her body soaked with sweat from her nightmare. She looked around to find that she was in a familiar room at Gu YuChen's apartment. Relief washed through her.

'I didn't go back.. Thank God.'

'I couldn't even imagine. Life without Lin JinYan and Gu YuChen.'

'I was so scared. Thank God it wasn't real.'

Maybe it was the stress and panic she had experienced in her dream that caught up with her, Su Ning felt herself tearing up. It was like a damn had burst in her heart and she was unable to make it stop. For the first time in both of her lives, Su Ning let herself cry out loud.


Several days passed since then and a new sense of normalcy returned in her life. As the new semester ramped up, Su Ning became more focused on her school work. She also had part-time tutoring the 3rd grade Xiao Mu in the afternoons twice a week. Following Lin JinYan's suggestion, Su Ning also auditioned and won the titular role in this year's annual musical, The Little Mermaid. However, Su Ning realized that the current busyness helped her mood considerably. She no longer thought about the nightmare nor did she bother to talk about it to Lin JinYan or Gu YuChen.

"Yoh! If this isn't our newest Disney princess." Zhang Wei teased Su Ning as she ate her lunch at the cafeteria.

"You didn't come play with us at all during the break ah! There were only us guys at the hot springs!" Wang Lei complained.

"The princess will only play with a prince ah." Zhang Wei continued and Su Ning rolled her eyes.

"Where's Yu-ge?" Su Ning asked.

"He is supervising the team who will decorate the backdrops for the school musical bah. Their committee is probably meeting now." Wang Lei explained.

"Ah!? But don't we have 3 and a half more months before the event? They start preparing so early? The performers didn't even have our first practice yet." (Su Ning)

"Ai, our little princess did not attend last year's annual musical?" (Wang Lei)

"No. I think I was out sick that time." (Su Ning)

"Ah that's too bad. I remember last year was Beauty and the Beast." (Wang Lei)

"Every year all the committees go all out on decorations, costumes, makeup, props everything!" (Zhang Wei)

"Just for a school musical?" (Su Ning)

"No, no, no. This is not just any school musical. On that day, aside from talent scouts there will be many experts, company presidents, prestigious university professors who will be in attendance." (Wang Lei)

"Song Yu is from a family of renowned artists. I believe his elder brother was just taken in as the protegee of the Grandmaster Chun before he passed away in an accident. And now, Song Yu will need to prove that he has the same skills as his late brother to get recognized by the grand master. He must be in a lot of stress, that guy. There's a lot riding on his shoulders." (Zhang Wei)

"Ah? That extreme? So, if the Grandmaster Chun chooses another disciple what happens?" (Su Ning)

"Then it's a huge blow to the Song reputation and business. Basically, in terms of grades it would be like you went from an A to a C?" (Zhang Wei)

"Then Yu-ge's elder brother must have been very stressed back then too?" (Su Ning)

"Song Luhan? No… I heard from my brother Luhan-ge is what you would call a true genius. It was almost a given that Grandmaster Chun would choose him. No one would have thought his life would be cut short before his 18th birthday." (Zhang Wei)

"So before then...Yu-ge was also training as an artist like his brother?" (Su Ning)

"Yeah but.. He didn't take it as seriously as now. Since he would not succeed the family business with Luhan-ge around." (Zhang Wei)

"Ah...I somehow feel sad for Yu-ge." (Su Ning)

"Aiyoh, this is common in noble families ah. Dong mind!" (Wang Lei)

"What? Don't mind!? … Isn't the purpose of an end of the year school play to have fun? It's not some sort of competition! This is so crazy! And Yu-ge is only 16, this is too much for a young boy to handle!" Su Ning exclaimed in exasperation.

"Well, it is more like a real life competition to determine their future?" Wang Lei cheekily responded, earning himself a knock in the head from Su Ning.

"Christ!!! How did I even get selected for such an event? I have a sense of measure! I don't think I am some sort of one of a kind talent. Wouldn't I have stolen someone's spot?" (Su Ning)

"Stolen? I don't think that is the case." (Zhang Wei)

"Yeah. The panel must have loved your stage presence and singing. They would have also seen your previous performances too ah." (Wang Lei)

"Ah!? From 4 years ago? How do they even have that? I was still a baby back then." (Su Ning)

"Probably from Lin JinYan? The judges must also know that you and the school prince have good chemistry.' (Wang Lei)

"Specially, Lin JinYan will actually allow you to touch him. Hahaha" (Zhang Wei)

"Hey...Do you guys think Lin JinYan helped my audition somehow?" (Su Ning)

"Uhmmmm…. Not sure." (Zhang Wei)

"Hmmm maybe? I don't know. But I doubt you would have gotten selected if you didn't have the requisite skills. This is M Academy after all." (Wang Lei)

"Oh my gosh! You guys are not believable at all!" (Su Ning)

"More importantly! Be careful. I bet you made a lot of juniors angry they lost their spot to star with Lin JinYan, to a sophomore." (Wang Lei)

"LIN JINYAN!? He is playing Prince Eric??" (Su Ning)

"En. You didn't know?" (Wang Lei)

"No! I heard he never joins these." (Su Ning)

"Yeah, he really doesn't. I bet the director must have been shocked when Lin JinYan showed up for the audition." (Wang Lei)

"Xiao Ning, you need to have more awareness ah." Zhang Wei said as he saw Su Ning sporting a dazed and confused look.

"He is right, little princess. I feel you get so shocked about everything." (Wang Lei)

'Lin JinYan you little!! Wait til I get my hands on you! You just made me the target of the female population in school!' Su Ning growled internally.

Elsewhere at the M Academy campus grounds Lin JinYan who was currently resting in one of the special classes' clubroom, sneezed.