Chapter 66: Qing Mei’s Confession

  "Senior Lin JinYan, Good morning! Uhm, Can I have a bit of your time?"

Lin JinYan glanced at the girl who stood in front of him and tamped down a sense of disgust that arose from her proximity. Although Lin JinYan always has a kind and gentle demeanor in public, he is actually a cold, cruel and manipulative person. He simply has the manner and beautiful appearance that belies his true nature. The only reason why he kept up the pretense in the past was to have a quiet life in the Lin Family until he became of age. But now that he met Su Ning there was another impetus to remain nice to others. His little kindhearted NingNing doesn't like it when random people get hurt. 

Keeping that in mind, Lin JinYan prepared to politely reject Qing Mei; however, Su Ning who was beside him spoke first.

"JinYan-ge, I can carry my bag from here," Su Ning said smiling as she took her bag from Lin JinYan's shoulder. "I'll go ahead first. You guys talk!" the girl excitedly spoke. The teen who had initially accompanied her could only mutter her name softly in response, "NingNing…"

Meanwhile, Su Ning took a few steps towards Qing Mei and with her back against Lin JinYan she gave her friend a gesture of good luck. "Jiayou," she mouthed while pumping her fist.

Author's Note: Jiayou literally means add oil however it is more an expression to describe encouragement like 'Go for it!' (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و

Then Lin JinYan saw the beautiful girl affectionately look at them both before giving a small wave goodbye causing a frown to unconsciously marr his handsome face. 

'What is Su Ning thinking?' he wondered.

Lin JinYan kept his eyes fixed on Su Ning's departing back, not sparing a glance at the other girl who'd been trying to get his attention. A few minutes passed and once Su Ning had made her way down the flagstone pathway which ends at the school entrance, Lin JinYan finally turned his cold gaze towards Qing Mei. There was a look of fervent anticipation on the girl's face. Qing Mei remained completely unaware of the drastic change in Lin JinYan's demeanor. 

"Uhm, JinYan-ge is it alright if we move to the garden alcove?" Qing Mei asked tentatively pointing to a more private area of the landscape surrounding M Academy. Since Su Ning and Lin JinYan had left early for school, there weren't a lot of students currently passing by the main entrance gate where they stood. 

At this point, Lin JinYan's previous good mood had gone to the dogs since Su Ning inexplicably left him with Qing Mei. He was in no mood to humor this annoying friend of Su Ning. The oblivious girl was currently wringing her hands and smiling at him coquettishly. So, Lin JinYan gave Qing Mei a half nod in response to her question which caused the girl to brighten up even more. 

Author's Note: Gone to the dogs means to become ruined or to change to a worse condition.  (*・ε・*)

Yet, the young man just silently walked towards the alcove on the west side of the academy. 

'Odd! Lin JinYan seem's a bit different. He feels a bit cold somehow,' Qing Mei thought suddenly, fraught with worry. 'Could it be that Su Ning had spoken ill of me to Lin JinYan? But then why would he still be nice to me? He treated me to lunch and snacks and gave me several sets of the academy uniform. It must simply be my imagination. I'm sure everything will go well. I've waited so long for this day,' Qing Mei decided and quickly hastened her pace to catch up to Lin JinYan.

Author's Note: Qing Mei is referring to the many times Lin JinYan would treat the musical troupe to meals. Lin JinYan often took Su Ning out to eat and would bring snacks when they would study in the library. Qing Mei would be present during these times as she had begun to study with Su Ning and also had a small part in the musical.

When they finally arrived at the secluded area of the garden, Qing Mei wasted no time in reciting the confession she practiced for hours on end the night before.

"Senior Lin JinYan, I have admired you for a very long time even before I entered M Academy. All this time I did my best to be near you! I even audition at XIIN Entertainment. I really really like you. Please go out with me!" Qing Mei blurted. 

She'd been full of expectation since the early morning but upon seeing Lin JinYan's impassive look, Qing Mei faltered a bit before continuing, "This uhhh….This present is a token of my feelings. Please...accept…it." Qing Mei gingerly held out a beautifully wrapped box with both hands. However, Lin JinYan made no move to accept the gift and merely looked at the girl with an aloof gaze. 

"Is that it?" he asked.

"I'm sorry?" Qing Mei shook her head in confusion as she inquired.

"I'm asking if you're done?" Lin JinYan repeated in a frigid tone.

"Huh?… Oh, uhmmm yes," the girl cautiously responded while still holding out her present for Lin JinYan.

"Waste of time," Lin JinYan spoke apathetically.

"Huh?" Qing Mei appeared genuinely perplexed. 'Why was Lin JinYan acting this way?'

"You interrupted my time with NingNing for this nonsense," Lin JinYan responded, looking at Qing Mei with apparent disgust.

"Wh-What??…. N-Nonsense?" the girl stuttered her expression indicating she was close to tears.

"I'm heading back. I trust you'll keep quiet regarding this matter around NingNing," Lin JinYan nonchalantly decided. 

"Wait! Lin JinYan!" Qing Mei desperately attempted to grab onto the young man, losing her balance and dropping her present in the process.

"Tch!" Lin JinYan nearly cussed while avoiding the girl's touch. 

"Sorry! Senior Lin JinYan. I…This gift please accept it! I am sure you'll like it." Qing Mei begged as she picked up the box that had fallen on the dewy grass. 

However, even disregarding Lin JinYan's mysophobia, he didn't care enough for the girl to accept anything from her. So without much thought he responded truthfully and cruelly to the girl's pleadings. "There is nothing you can give me that I'll like."

"Ugh.." Qing Mei began to cry audibly. "No. Impossible. Su Ning said you wanted hand knitted socks!" she said, attempting to quickly untie the white bow on the box to reveal the handmade present inside. 

"Not from you," he said, repulsed at her sight. Her previous neat and cute appearance had been spoiled with grass stains and random leaves; her mascara running in large streaks on her face. 

"If not me...then who? …Is it Su Ning?" Qing Mei prodded looking up at the beautiful young man in front of her. He was supposed to be her prince but he is treating her so coldy now. Who else could be the reason for this?

Yet, Lin JinYan simply cocked an eyebrow in response. 

As realization dawned on her, Qing Mei began to act in a somewhat crazed manner, no longer caring about her appearance. "Why?! Why is it always her?!" she shouted angrily.

Then she began to shake her head and pull at her hair that was previously tied up in braids. "No no! I'm sure you liked me too! You were so nice to me. The uniforms! The expensive meals and snacks! You even helped me out with my schoolwork! Doesn't this mean that you have feelings for me too?!" Qing Mei tried to hold on to Lin JinYan's pants leg fearing that he was about to leave her but the teen deftly avoided her touch, 

"Ni feng le. I only did those things to make NingNing happy," Lin JinYan scoffed at the sorry sight of a girl kneeling on the grass. Thankfully, these words seem to do the trick as Qing Mei finally appeared completely defeated. 

Author's Note: Ni feng le means you've gone crazy. (◉ω◉)

Casting Qing Mei one last look of revulsion, Lin JinYan simply walked away not once turning back to see the girl he just rejected.


Qing Mei sat alone on the neatly trimmed grass for a long while, her heart burning with deep loathing and anger for one girl. 'Su Ning, you stole everything from me! Everything you have was supposed to be mine,' Qing Mei fumed, recalling the time Su Ning returned from the hospital 5 years ago. Su Ning had always been a sickly child and with her heart condition, she hadn't been expected to live past adulthood. However, a major surgery when Su Ning was 12 years old had miraculously been successful and since then the girl had changed. 

'You should've died then. I'm certain now. There can be no happiness in my life unless you're gone,' Qing Mei resolved with a look of determination.