Chapter 101: I Know Everything

  Su Ning woke up with a blaring headache. She didn't recall much of the night before. But she knew one thing for certain. She would not be drinking alcohol to that extent again. She never thought that her body in this life was that much of a lightweight. 'Goodness, I was knocked out by a beer flight.' In her past life, she had drunk socially with her colleagues but she had always been careful to not go crazy during those gatherings. She worked hard to keep her image of a smart and competent accountant. There was no way she would risk her reputation just for a night of jollying. As such, even then as a 29 year old spinster Su Ning didn't didn't know her true limit, her alcohol tolerance. 'Ugh. Anyways, let's get ready. Lin JinYan said we have to leave early today. Aiyah I feel so lazy. I need water and some aspirin,' she whined to no one in particular.