Chapter 115: Are You Jealous?

  "Ahem, so what did you and the girls talk about earlier?"

Su Ning coughed lightly and scratched her nose after she asked the question. 'Am I being too nosy?' she wondered. 'But his treatment of me and those girls are too different! Somehow, I feel that this is too unfair!'

"Hmm?" Gu YuChen hummed in inquiry..

"You know. Back when I was paying for the clothes, you were chatting with a group of girls," Su Ning explained, trying to appear  nonchalant.

"Ah," an expression of realization crossed the man's face in front of Su Ning. Then curiously, a soft pink color graced Gu YuChen's cheeks, causing Ning's eyes to widen and her mouth to drop open. 'Yah! Is Gu YuChen really blushing right now!? Because of the girls from earlier?' she thought flabbergasted.

"Gu—  Gu— Gu YuChen… You're blushing," Su Ning pointed out directly.

"Ah that… no.. don't you feel it's hot here?" he asked, attempting to change the subject.