Chapter 122: So? How Did I Do?

The awkward silence was eventually broken by Minshi's continuous chattering. The girl basically made every attempt to interrogate Gu YuChen for his entire life story, only to be met by vague or succinct responses. 

Su Ning could tell that her friend was becoming frustrated. Minshi was a smart, attractive, confident and athletic woman and she wasn't used to being blatantly ignored. Well… it would be too much to say Gu YuChen was blatantly ignoring her friend. Gu YuChen was simply acting as himself. He's not the chatty type and he's also not the type to share his life story with someone whom he just met. So although Gu YuChen was being outwardly courteous, he still drew a clear line between him and Minshi. To be honest, Su Ning was relieved; she didn't want to be a bad friend but she really didn't like the sight of Gu YuChen with Minshi.