Chapter 125: Until Daylight

"YuChen-ge, do you want to sleep together tonight?" the young girl's melodic voice sounded from the bedroom door.

"Huh? Wha— what?!" Gu YuChen asked, startled.

'Is this a dream?! Am I actually still sleeping?!' the man wondered to himself.

Su Ning walked closer to the couch where Gu YuChen lay. The lights were still off so only the soft glow from the small night-lights illuminated the room. At this moment, Su Ning was unaware of it but she looked like an angel who had just descended from heaven. Gu YuChen's breath caught and he found it hard to speak.

"I said… would you like to sleep together tonight?" she asked once more while poking the young man's elbow.

Gu YuChen could only stare in response.

"Hmmm? What do you say?" Su Ning inquired with a sweet smile.

Gu YuChen gulped before responding hoarsely, "NingNing, I don't think that's a good idea."