Chapter 133: Something Wonderful

Allen must've been possessed. Why else would he have followed Gu YuChen to the restroom? He didn't need to use the jacks.

Author's Note: The Jacks is Irish slang for public toilets.

However, he couldn't turn back now, it would just look too odd so he decided to wash his hands and rinse his face. A few minutes later, Gu YuChen emerged from one of the stalls. Allen saw the man's reflection on the mirror where their gazes met and Gu YuChen gave an almost imperceptible nod.

At this moment, the conflicted feelings Allen had been battling came bubbling to the surface.

"Hey Chris, can I talk to you for a second?" Allen blurted and he saw the tall man cock his brow at his sudden request. 'Shit! That came out hella weird didn't it? I hope he doesn't think I'm hitting on him.'

"It's about Karina. I wanted to ask you something," Allen attempted to explain anxiously.

"Alright," Gu YuChen responded briefly.