Chapter 136: I Like You

By the time Su Ning made her way outside of the library, Allen was already waiting for her with an iced taro milk tea drink in hand.  He knew it was Su Ning's favorite. As he had anticipated, Allen saw Su Ning's eyes lit up as she caught sight of the beverage.

"Hey, Allen! Did you wait long?" Su Ning asked as she drew closer.

"No, I just got here myself," the young Irish guy answered, shaking his head.

"Is that for me?" Su Ning pointed at the drink, her lips were already arked upwards.

"Yeah. Regular ice, zero percent sweet," Allen proudly declared, handing her the drink. 

"You know me so well! Thank you!" Su Ning's long ponytail bobbed up and down in excitement before she took a huge sip of the drink. An expression of happiness crossed her face as she heaved a sigh of satisfaction.