Chapter 163: Slowly Unraveling

Su Ning didn't have much time to wallow in misery after her breakup or mourn the loss of her friendship with Allen. Midterms were around the corner and she still had her part-time job. Furthermore, she promised Lin JinYan to accompany him during his short stay in Osaka. However, this didn't mean that Su Ning wasn't sad with how the breakup turned out.

The first day back at school was awkward to say the least. Though the pair didn't previously publicize their relationship, it was quite obvious to their group of friends that they were dating. They always came to classes together and studied at the library together. Allen would also accompany Su Ning to and from her convenience store job. So when Allen arrived in class evidently in a bad mood and even chose to sit separately from Su Ning and Minshi, people knew that there was trouble in paradise.