Chapter 176: A Bitter Pill

Su Ning's afternoon classes proceeded like normal. There was no mention of what she discussed with Clare, all to Minshi's increasing ire. She could immediately tell that her friend was itching to know what occurred between herself and Clare. But Su Ning blocked any and all instances of Minshi's gossiping. 

"I'd rather not talk about it," Su Ning said without hesitation as soon as she saw Minshi open her lips.

Afterwards, Su Ning kept her entire attention focused on the lectures and completely ignored the notes Minshi would slip over to her side of the desk. When class ended, Su Ning once again saw Minshi excitedly come up to her with a determined expression on her face. But before Minshi had a chance to speak, Su Ning turned to the girl apologetically. "Oh look at the time. I gotta go. I have another appointment after this."

Minshi gave Su Ning an exasperated look and outright demanded. "Why do you have so many appointments today?!"