Chapter 184: Have You Gotten Yourself a Man?

"So Xiao Ning, have you gotten yourself a man yet? When can I see some grandchildren?"

The words which came out of Grandma Gu's mouth took Su Ning completely by surprise. She nearly spit out the hot tea that was served by the maitre'd. The family met up with Grandma Gu at a newly opened posh restaurant in the Fashion District of City A. As per usual, the aging but still sharp eyed Grandma Gu did not waste time in getting to the point.

"Pfffft! Cough! Cough! Cough! Grandma Gu!" Su Ning exclaimed. 'Isn't it way too early to have kids?! I'm only 21.'

"Aiyah! Why are you shouting? This old lady's ears are sensitive, you know." Grandma Gu harrumphed in mock outrage. 

"Cough! Cough! I'm sorry. It's just so suddenly…." (Su Ning)

Before Su Ning could even grab the intricately folded napkin on the table, a tall good looking Frenchman had already appeared beside her.