Chapter 187: Monopolize Me

Rose_JinYan: NingNing-ah, I'm back in A City.

Rose_JinYan: Did you miss me?

As soon as Su Ning saw Lin JinYan's message, she pressed #4 on the phone's speed dial and in a few seconds her call was connected. 

"What?! You are back?! Why didn't you tell me?! I could have picked you up at the airport! And of course I missed you. You silly boy, why do you have to ask that?" Su Ning nearly bellowed to the receiver. 

Her highly excitable voice elicited a soft laugh from the young man. "I wanted to surprise you. Really? I thought you'd already forgotten about me."

"Come on nah. How could that ever happen?" Su Ning nearly rolled her eyes when she heard Lin JinYan's words. The man was all grown up but still dramatic as usual.

"You haven't called or messaged me in 9 days." Lin JinYan pointed out.