Chapter 199: Missing You

The crew arrived at the tropical island of Boracay that afternoon. There was a brief layover in Manila International Airport where they took a small plane to the resort island. Then purely for the experience, they took a jeepney to their hotem. Su Ning has taken public transportation many times in her life but none like a jeepney ride. The jeep would randomly stop in the middle of the road to let passengers off. Su Ning thought that this was definitely unsafe but it seemed to be the norm on the island. The guide was also all smiles saying this was part of the 'character' of a jeepney ride. Honestly, the ride was bumpy, windy, cramped and noisy. She didn't necessarily dislike it but it wasn't the most comfortable experience. And if given the chance, Su Ning would most likely opt to ride a private car next time to save her poor behind from the unforgiving assault of the poorly padded seats and dirt roads.