Chapter 234: Desperate

The next day, Gu YuChen had to leave bright and early due to an update on a sighting of Song Rui. However, before he left, the dedicated man made sure to cook jian bing (chinese crepe) and fresh soybean milk for Su Ning to eat in the morning.

Su Ning, bless her kind heart, opted to stay and nurse Lin JinYan all to Gu YuChen's consternation. Her lack of romantic attraction to the man notwithstanding, she still cared deeply for her childhood friend and didn't want him to suffer being sick at home alone. Su Ning went to the dining room and caught sight of the handwritten note left by Gu YuChen. It was short and sweet. Smiling, Su Ning took the note and put it in her pocket.

I love you, NingNing.

- Your YuChen

She took a bite of her jian bing. As expected, it was delicious.


Something was different about Su Ning today.

The girl was glowing. 

And it wasn't because of him.