Chapter 266: Life Once again

After Su Ning's heartfelt farewell with Lin JinYan, life went on as normal. Or as normal as the girl attempted to show the public. In reality, Su Ning suffered daily from nightmares and had to take sleeping medication in order to get a good night's rest. In addition to the trauma she had experienced while confined in Lin Feng's basement, she also began to recall the tragic resolution of her ill-fated friendship with Qing Mei. Sometimes, when she was at work, she would find herself randomly shaking whenever the door to the office room opened and her coworkers came in. So in addition to her heart medications and sleeping pills, Su Ning also began taking anti anxiety medications to help her function normally at work. Secretly, Su Ning felt ashamed and broken for having to take so many pills on a daily. However her therapy sessions had been of great help to her in terms of helping her learn coping skills whenever these anxiety inducing situations occurred.