The one-day shoot becomes a whole day of a month. It's such a very hard and tiring day for me that's why I'm so exhausted.

We've just left the set in peace after the whole photoshoot. The magazine of Marco's Family hospital is already settled and done.

After the long, long, and tiring shoot. Everyone pack up my things and prepared everything for my next stop of the photoshoot.

I already remind the editor of chief that they'll be using the latest pic and not the newly taken shots of Ramon.

Some photos that they showed me are too showy. What I like is the simple one and not that too showy of our skin.

Perhaps it's disgusting to see if everyone look for the front page and saw us in that position. It might lose some watchers of that magazine, I want it very simple.

In that photo, Marco's lips were attached to mine. That's why I don't wanna use that photo to be on the front page of the magazine.

Besides, there are lots of photos taken when Ramon repeated the new shots before the best shots.

We were still in the car, waiting for my assistant to come over with the go signal sign. It's too early and I don't want to be the first model who'll arrive at the venue.

"Why is Andrea, took so long to come back. What does she do inside of the set?" Asked in irritably.

Ramon took a deep breath before answering my sudden question. When I look at the front mirror and saw his teary eyes showing that he's in pain right now.

"I don't know, maybe the set did a lot of changes that's why she hasn't yet come back. Let's just wait for her, she'll be here at any moment." He uttered weakly.

What's wrong with this man? Does someone or something happen that caused him to be like this?

I notice how his eyes were tearful so was his unexplainable face. The voice that came from his mouth is becoming deeper and harder to understand.

"What is the real problem of this guy?" Ask in my mind.

"Hey... Are you okay Ramon?" In my concern, I held his shoulder to see and to confirm what was wrong with him.

He automatically wiped his eyes and clean his face with a handkerchief. Trying to get rid of those tears coming from his eyes and was about to fall.

"I'm fine," He assured me and cleared his throat for a new voice.

"Are you sure you're that fi---," He cut me off.

"Yea, I'm super fine so do--,"

"Then why did I see you wiping your eyes to avoid that tea--," I wasn't able to speak when he suddenly went closer to me and...

"Looked!" Ramon muttered in scream a as he showed me his phone.

"You bitch!" I cursed in irritation.

"What? It wasn't that easy to accept that this moving is going to end!" Ramon in his dramatic tone.

He hysterically cried and tweak his hair like a dead teenage girl. What a mess.....

"You shut up! I thought you were crying about something serious! but you were crying just because of that stupid movie." My voice raised as I insulted his dramatic movie.

It wasn't a good movie! and for damn sake why does he keep watching that old movie.

When he knew already that it was going to be a heartbreak in the end. What an idiot mindset he had in his whole life, maybe he could have just read novels.

That is way better and less heartbreaking. Perhaps it's still a happy ending and loves tragic, family problems but still, it ends on a happy one.

It'll help him though, instead of watching movies in that kind of genre and content. It won't help him to gain trust in himself and to give trust to others.

Especially when he will be able to find the one true love of his life. He might still be stocked on how they shared each other's dream, and grow together with Rex.

How sad could it be.....

"Whatever you say, still novels is well more than that thing. Watching movies is boring, why don't you try reading instead." I insulted and suggested to him a new one, a better one to do.

He just glare at me and dramatically turned his head away. Ramon focused himself on the phone still watching the same movie.

The audacity and nerve of this mankind! I was the one who suggested fine doings and yet he's in here, ignoring it.

He should be lucky and happy, that I was able to suggest something good and new. Instead, he glared at me and ignored everything I speak up!

"Boring!" I screamed and pushed a bit his broad shoulders.

Good thing he didn't react to what I did instead of pushing me too. He remained quiet and focused on what is he watching right now.

In my boredom in life, I took out my phone to avoid the boring time that I've been trying to escape.

Andrea isn't here yet, it's already past 4 PM and she's still inside of the venue. If this wait--

Someone knocked in the mirror on my side caused me to stop thinking about how long Andrea had been inside.

Gradually, I tap the switch to open my side window. Only to revealed Andrea's face, looking so haggard and tired.

Her sweat was all over her face so her pure white t-shirt is also covered with sweat.

"Jesus!" Mimicked in shock.

She was breathing so deep while I grabbed the tissue and wipes so she could clean her face.

"Come inside and have some air condition air," I commanded her, at first she was doubting to get inside of the car.

Until Ramon forced her to come inside, she was showering her sweat all over her body. Did this woman run throughout the whole venue that's why she's fully sweaty?

"What happened to you. I just told you to go inside and asked for the go signal before coming in here. Yet you came back in this posture, what did you do?" Confusion is filling my head.

"Sorry, the model asked me to help her and to buy all her needs. That's why I went out and brought her son---," I cut her off.

"What!?" My blood runs through in my head causing me to yell.

"Jesus Christ, you let someone command you, and did they pay you?" Ramon on his furious looks asked her.

Andrea face us intentionally and her eyes were filled with sorry.

"They didn't," She simply answered in a bowed head still wiping her face and body.

"That bitch will be dead! Let's go, Ramon, we have something to get rid of in this set." I devilishly screamed as I pushed the door and went out of my car.

"Whos that bitch? why did she do this to Andrea," Gritted teeth as Ramon uttered those?

When we finally went out of the car, Andrea in hurry stopped us from coming inside. Maybe she had already sensed the fighting spirit Ramon and I have had if we went inside the Venue.

"Ma'am! that was fine for me! even if she didn't pay me for what I went through it st---,"

"Of course, it's not fine! you are working on me and not with that bitch ugly model you were talking about!" I angrily muttered and continued walking.

"Ma'am! ma'am!" She keep calling my name but Ramon was with her stooping all the shouts she made.