"The wedding will be next month," Shane simply answered.

I didn't expect that answer of her, why is it too early. Huh..

I nodded my head and didn't bother glancing at her. She knew I wasn't playing games here that's why she answered so fast.

Unlike me, she was raised with this family because my mom raised me with my father. While she was at our grandmother's house.

We didn't have a chance to get along since she was way older than me. And I know how long she suffered and stuck in this place.

She thinks mom ruined her life when the truth is it was our grandparents who wanted to take the firstborn child into my parent's hands.

As a sign of offering for disobeying all of their rules and decisions. But despite all the rules that they disobey, they faced the consequences wholeheartedly.

Even if it was meant to take away the first child. And so they have me, but at that time we were already at a quite good level of living.

That's why my parents were so strong and envious that they didn't accept but still respected my grandparent's decision. But not following those,

They said it already that they can raise me and proved them wrong. Shane was back to our family but she was too strict and away from me.

That's the reason why I don't want to attend her wedding. But my parents were stubborn and they wanted me to be there instead of working all day.

"I see, now are the gowns ready?" I asked.

"The preparations for that will be next week. I want you to be there so I'll move it t---," I cut her off.

"Don't move it, I'll be there exactly. Ramon will be there too so we will come together for the fitting of gowns ." Simply answered.

"You talk full of authority, hmmm. Alright then, I won't move it but I just want to know that there will be a special guest." She mumbled with grace and insults.

"We both look like a guest,"

"Enough, let's eat peacefully so we could have and spend this night full of graciousness and peace." My grandfather suddenly mumbled which made us stop insulting each other.

"It's alright, let's just eat," Ramon muttered with a small smile plastered on his face.

This gay had a passion for being too good to everyone. But when he's around a bar, he doesn't let someone keep in touch.

I smiled at him and nodded my head before continuing to eat my food. I saw how dad and mom exchanged their glances at me and Shane.

They were both worried, I know that. But Shane is giving me an idea to be ruder to her and insult her upcoming wedding. I know she's pretty and smart because no one in our family has that kind of feature itself.

I look at my mother who's busy putting some food on my father's plate. Ramon is beside me and he knew I was being too rude to them and too strict but he can't do something about it. Only if Rex is with us they can do something if I was in this kind of attitude with them but when he's alone with me he doesn't take on.

He just lets me do whatever I want but sometimes he stops me from being strict and annoying to someone. I glanced at Ramon with my tired eyes. I wanna go home right now and just lay down in my soft bed with a cold comforter.

"I'm full, " I announced and stood up quickly wiping my chin using the table napkin.

"Marico is too early to leave," My uncle uttered.

"Is it tito? Oh, I almost forgot I have a shoot tomorrow and that shoot is more important than this. Ciao," I rudely stated and walked out into the garden.



I heard them call my name but I didn't mind turning my head just to look at them. If I say I'm busy then I am busy, no one should disrespect my own decision because I came here for nothing. What Ramon and I thought was different from what we witnessed, that's why we will be leaving this mansion.

The dinner isn't for us because no one tried to speak about something which made me become a rude person and insult all of them. It wasn't my intention but they got into my nerves which made me become like that.

"I'm sorry Ramon if you witnessed such a kind of dinner. Luckily Andrea wasn't with us for this night, or she'll get upset and feel bad at all." I uttered and apologized to Ramon.

"Tsk, you don't have to feel sorry for me. I don't know why your sister is like that and even your aunt." He uttered which made me laugh a bit.

"Forget about her. Now remember that the fitting of the gowns will be next week, we will go there together, I'll chat with Linda to arrange my meetings and schedules for next week." I uttered and went inside the car.

Ramon did the same thing too but unlike earlier, he was the one who drove the car. Now I will be the one who will drive the car back to our condominium. I know he was stunned and traumatized by my family's revelations but then I know he was used to it already.

Inside the long decades of our friendship, I know how he witnessed countless times that kind of gathering in my family's house. Grandma isn't like that before because she was way stricter before than now, maybe it was because she was sick right now.

"I'll drive so you can rest too," I mumbled and wink at him before starting the engine of the car.

"You can drive now?" He asked, which made me laugh.

"Woah it's just a small thing for Ramon, don't take this all like a good one because it'll happen once in your life."

He laughed,