
I was stunned to see Shane appear beside mom. Quickly she runs towards my side. She was all shocked while mom is slowly walking closer to me.

"What happened to your hair?! God!" Shane shouted in anger.

"Hey, it's fine. It's not that bad though," I answered and mom held my head.

"Mom I know what you are going to react bug, please... Please calm down yourself alright? I'm all fine, I'm okay." I assured her and held her hands to comfort her.

She was so cold and her eyes were angrily looking at my posture. Damn, I know my mom is kind and good to anyone.

But when it comes to us who are treated like this. I cannot assure people what she will act and do about it.

"Mom..." I called and tried to stop her but she didn't listen.

I saw Isabel go out in her office holding the papers. She was rushing to go out and when she saw us.