Ramon couldn't be sober so they always talked about me until we all got out of the restaurant. I clearly don't understand what's going on with them right now, Am I not one of their family because they front stabbed me?

It was as if there were no other people in the world they could talk about and I was the one they all gossiped about.

We can only talk about Ramon. We all can talk about him since he got a lot of issues and concerns to tell us about. But they chose to talk about me instead of Ramon. They chose to search for my whole being. Trying to figure out if I'm hiding something like having a boyfriend, a secret boyfriend.


"Where are you going to ride Shane?" Mommy asked Shane when we all got to the parking lot.

"Rico brought his car, mom. I'll just ride with him so Marico can go wherever she wants today." Shane's short answer.