By 7:30 pm we had left the condo. We were a few minutes late due to traffic. Ramon and I also had an apartment far away from the city so it took us a while.

As we had talked about earlier, we drive our cars instead of using one car only. It was my decision and I know he was upset and mad at me.

But he can't do anything because I have already decided. Plus I was also mad because of what I saw with the pictures that Rex sent me yesterday.

When we got there the venue was already full of people. Almost everyone was wearing red and black clothes.

I glanced at the high ceiling of the hall. It isn't finished yet but is in use now. Well, this place is safe although it's not yet finished and the construction is still ongoing.

It will take another year for those construction workers to finish this building. Mommy and daddy have already spent a lot on this building so this should be done.