We continue to fix the rehearsal after we fix ourselves. Aruz was with the male models while I'm focused on the female models.

All of them weren't that easy to copy my walk. I know it's hard because even, I also had struggles completing that walk. 

They all started to practice the walk, as I just watch all of their moves. Somehow, they slowly got the way of correcting their moves. 

Balancing their bodies while looking in front. Chin out and breast out, that's what they do. 

I told them not to look on their feet so they won't have fear. Just continue walking and turn like a queen of everything.

While I was standing in front, watching all of them. I can't help to think about what Aruz told me earlier. 

If he doesn't find a girl to marry, he will marry me instead. 

I like his sayings of him, but I don't want to have a family. It's just a waste of time and so I would rather choose to be like this.