Page: 2


"That won't break,"

I uttered.

"Shit!" he houted in shock.

"Tsk, this isn't a simple wood if you don't know." mumbled and shook her head slowly.

I surveyed her body from head to foot. Maybe this boy is rich, supper arrogant in this kind of living. Last night he got into a trouble and luckily I saw him.

"Sorry, wait. Can I ask?" he was hesitant.

I put down the teapot and turned my gaze on him. This feeling is new to me, I haven't felt this before. Even Rex didn't make me feel like this.

"Hmm," I Humm.

I thought this boy is talkative! My instincts towards him are all wrong. This is the first time I encounter a boy who had an attitude.

He's calm and you really can't see any emotions from him.

"Ah, are you the one who brought me here?" the boy mumble, still looking at me.

I just nodded and fix the table plates.

Damn! This boy is hard to understand. If you'll base at his expression, you'll notice that he's a bit serious.

He didn't even smile or greet me a goodmorning. Tsk! such a serious man!

"You response quite..." Im not yet finished when he speaks.

"Im a bit new to this, sorry Im not really talking to strangers." he answered.

Woah! strangers!!! me? a stranger!?

"Do you have something to say or do you need anything?" I asked.

When I noticed that he' not answering. Maybe he got it "No" though the truth is I badly wants to know him.

I left him alone in the dining area. His attitude is making me annoyed.


I tweak my hair and roamed my eyes at the whole dining area. This house is beautiful and simple.

That girl didnt really know how stupid I am ignoring her.

Argh! I cant handle being a called one to her.

The house is colorful and beautiful too,

no wonder that girl lives here and never bothered to put a house in the city. Maybe she wanted a place that had fresh air and a lake at the front of their house.

They're living a simple life here, unlike me in the city. Perhaps Im happy to witness this kind of simple house of her.

As I roamed my eyes in about 4 minutes. I decided to sit down and drink the tea she prepared.

The feeling of waking up without a hangover is the best feeling. Somehow, I'm curious what did they do last night to me.

Because every time I woke up and in the other night I was wasted. Usually, it gives me a hangover in the morning, unlike now.

Hmmm, I should have asked her. Well, I can ask her later.

When Im still sipping on my tea, I heard some voices arguing about something. As I heard it little by little I then realized that they were talking about me.

In my curiosity, I walk slowly and put my left ear in the door to listen for more.

"You should have invited him for a breakfast before you sent him home, Rita." a 30's girl uttered to the girl who saved me.

Yeah, I was right, she's the girl who helped me last night with the robbers. Wait, so her name is Rita.

"He should leave auntie, we don't have food yet," she answered without emotion.

This still is annoying. She does really want to get rid of me in their house. Maybe she could just ask me for breakfast, right?

That would be more respectful for me. Because Im a guest and I didn't even ask her to brought me here.

Perhaps, she helped me without hesitation. That was a very dangerous thing she did but she still does it.

Damn Aki, your thoughts are changing from bad to good. How does that happen when you're a demon in your own place? (My mind mumble)

I went inside the room to get some money so I can help them buy some food. They might be hungry and thirsty because there's no food in their fridge.

There is no one I could ask for help to buy food and drinks. Good thing my phone isn't dead, so I still can call for food to deliver.

I ordered Jollibee and pizza foods so as drinks and sweets for them to eat. This would be my little thanks to them for helping me last night.

As I went out in the room Rita was going outside with a jar of water. Maybe She'll go on their farm? I guess.

"Hey!" I shouted so she would notice me.

She turned her head on me calmly. I can't help to admire her simple beauty and normal skin color.

"Yes?" she asked, for the first time she spoke with sounds.

"I ordered food for us. It will be here in any minute,"

She just nodded and went back to the kitchen. I don't know what is she doing, I thought she will go out.

In my curiosity, my tale followed her in the kitchen to see what is she doing. Rita was getting five plates, five spoons, and forks.

She was about to take those glasses when I get them from here.

"I...I just want to help you. This is way too heavy for you," I uttered in a tangled voice.

She gave me the tray of glasses and walk first. I don't know where we going because the kitchen was just there. Then I realized she was going outside, and there was a pile of firewoods in there.

There are also a pile of mushrooms in a clean way and lots of trees with edible fruits on them. I roamed my eyes in the whole area and saw a lot of beautiful views, their life is very simple.

In the mid-way of the little lake, there was a long narrow table with a chair. It was a six sitters table and covered with banana stalk.


"Jesus!" I react when someone shows up in front of me.

"O my gosh you're so handsome!!" the girl mimicked in a different tone.

God, this girl is dangerous! Why didn't I notice it with her face and skin?

"Hello, thanks." I thank her in a good way.

"Welcome! you're indeed handsome you have a wife?" she ask in a serious eyes and full of curiousity.

This girl is silly, she's like from her sister. She's a bit jolly and talkative person, like her sister.

"I dont have one. Well, infact I was about to marry a girl but she cheated and left me alone." I answer her and look away.

Her cute smile faded away as she nodded her head before turning her back to me.

"He's looking for a girl to marry, don't you like that man?" the girl mumble in Rita when they saw each other.

Rita raised her brows as she walks pass by her little sister.

Hmmm, she had that off expression and emotion. She's so empty and nothing to admire but I don't know. Her simple nodd and walk like a man, made me admire her.

Sometimes she's a girly one, now she's a boy who had a attitude also. Is she angry because I ignored her?

"Stop those thoughts, Leo." I uttered in the air and shook my head to vanish those thoughts.

I continued walking until I reach the table where they're sitting. They're preparing for their breakfast while I'm busy texting the delivery boy to be fast.

"Someone is looking for a boy and I don't even know who is he looking for," The boy run towards us and uttered it in hurry.

"He's talking about the delivery boy. I think the food is here," I joined the conversation and they all look confused about what I've just said.

Yea, they didn't know I ordered food. That's why they're all shocked when I answer the boy's questions.

"You ordered the food!?" they all shouted together.

"You ordered a food and coast a big amount? Sir! we cant pay those foods." The boy uttered in shocked.

I was shocked when they all stood up but except for Rita. She was just so chill in her chair, looking at her phone.

"I'll just go to the delivery boy so we can eat with the foods I ordered,"

I left them at the table and went to their gate to pay the delivery boy.

"Sir here's your order. Kindly sign it here sir." the man uttered while giving me those papers to sign. He also gave me the foods when I finished signing it all.

"Thanks," I thank the driver before going inside the house.

They will love these foods and drinks. I know they were all hungry and a bit hesitant to threw me home.

I also noticed that her auntie was cooking something and I know it was a portion of food for breakfast.

Because of Rita's help, I'm still alive. I thought no one will help me at that time but she was in there. Even if it was a very dangerous situation she still managed to help me.