Page: 5


I was in my room fixing things before leaving this old house of my grandmother. This house maybe old but its full of our happy memories.

My dad's close friend called me for a meeting. Maybe it was a welcome party for me to there firm. It wasn't really a perfect decision on applying on his firm.

Its just that I wanted to try my skills and face some big cases. Furthermore, I want apply my learnings that ive learn in China. I was once become a top Lawyer in beijing, not until dad decide to moved in to Japan.

Life in there wasnt easy, I need to adjust with there atmosphere and there daily living. Mom wasnt with us, shes in the philippines living with her second family.

I grow up in a broken family but was a good atmosphere for me. They maybe end up each others love, but not for me.

On how they choose to have me in their lives, thats how they loved me. Maybe living in a broken family could do a unhealthy relatioship with your parents.

Well, not mine. I can handled being away from my mom when I'm with my dad. Its a routine for us, I can be with my mom and I can be with my dad.

If y'all will gonna ask me who fault out love?

It was my mom who end up everything about them. I was an only child, no brothers nor sisters.

Thats why when I found out that they're not into each other, I didnt force my self to understand their situation.

They divorce in a good way and right process. No one cheat, no one had any mistress. Its just that, my mom fault out love for my father.

There was a time when I catch my dad crying and begging in my moms picture to comeback to us. That was a heartbreaking scene ive ever saw.

Admitting that my mom's reason is unacceptable for my dad. She loves dad more than anything and why did it happend so fast that she fault out of love.

For once, I cursed her for being so selfish. She didnt even know how much dad loves her.

Dad envy mom so much that he could do stealing everything's valueble to others. Just to give it to my mom and be her collections.

But still, mom left him. Even if he begg for another years of love.

I wiped my tears.

"Rita?" a knocked on my door as someone called me.

"Come in, the door is open." I response and do my hair style.

I thought it was Ellah. Mom's daughter in her second husband. Ellah, is my half sister and even though we're not a pure sisters, I still consider her as my true sister.

"Hi, I thought you're in the bath." Mom uttered and sit beside me.

"I just finish and do my hair. What is it mom?" I ask.

Mommy, caressed my hair and kissed the top of my head. She smiled bitterly while facing the mirror.

"Mom, I know what you mean with that face." Uttered in suspense.

"Ah, Ah. I didnt say anything dear." She defend herself.

"Mommy, you can't fool your smart daughter. You can't," I warned her and laughed because of her reaction.

We both laugh as he pinch more my cheeks and hug me from my back. She rested her head in my left shoulder.

I saw pain in her eyes everytime she talks about my resignation letter of her company in Japan.

"Rita.." mom called in a whisper.

"Hmm??" I humm.

"Do you really meant that resignation letter? Dear if you're tired you can take a rest, and let other lawyers do your case." She mumbled in a small voice.

I smiled at her and held moms' hands to assure her that I do meant the resignation.

"Mom, you know how much I wanted to work to other law firm..." I paused and faced her.

"Maybe before I just want to fix my profession as a Lawyer, but now is different."

"How it become different?" My mom ask bitterly.

"I wanted to share my learnings and skills being a lawyer in broad. Law, is my dream but being a prosecutor isn't my taste." I explaine and tap her hands as she watch me in the mirror.

"Okay fine, I wont force you to become me. What I want you is be one of my employies in our company." Mom uttered and smiled bitterly.

"As ive said mom, I wanted to earn more and do jobs to other law firm. Our company is my first destinatiom, but for now I want the other firm handle me." mumbled in.

"Okay, if thats what you want to do. Just do promise me that if you want to change firm and had a hard time in there. Dont hesitate to comeback. Please?" Mommy pleaded as she held my hands.

I nodded, a sign of yes. Though I know in myself that I wont end this job nor the firm I'll be one soon. These is my dream and I want to conquer it more and more.

"Alright, finished your packing of your clothes. The driver will send you to the airport," she informed and went outside of my room.

I smiled at her and wave my hands while shes walking away from me.

My mom maybe fault out her love to my dad, but not for me. Perhaps I understand her but questioniong her in my mind didnt let go me.

I shooked my head and stood up to continue my packing. Still had a lots of messy things to clean.

After a few hours of cleaning and packing my things. I decided to eat lunch and feed my pets while Im reading some details about the firm.

Dad called lately but I was in mny packing time so I couldnt answer him. I just tested him that Im a bit busy and I'll call him later before I headed to the airport.

Someone knock on my door and called my name. Im so tired to get up and open it so I let the person who knock on my door to open it.

Closed eyes while facing the ceiling. Imagining things with the man I saw in the bar and saved his life from danger.

I should have ask for his number. But I dont think he'll give his number to me.

"Rirryyy!!" Ellah shouted and jumpes into the bed.

"Whattttt??" I uttered lazily, still closing my eyes.

"Did I bother you?" she suddenly ask.

Quickly, I get up and face her. She looks so sad with her cute face but annoying sometimes.

"Why a sudden ask, Elly?"

"Because you're leaving..." she paused.

I look at her confused while she bow her head not to look at me.

"Okay fine! Im annoying, you're always irritated if I talk a lots of stuffs and nonsense. You always scold me if I do wrong and I scream at you because you were so strict." Ellah, bug out while walking in reverse.

"Come on! Elly, I didnt said that." I defend my self from her accusements towards me.

"Nahh, you always do, and Im just like "stay here Elly. Be quiet Elly. Dont do such stupid things Elly," she proclaim while swaying her hands explaining everything.
