Page: 11


"Amara, ija." Aki's mom uttered when they reach the table.

"Mom," Amara mumbled and kissed Aunti Emilla's cheeks.

Ohh, she's the legal girlfriend. Hmmm, I think I came too late in Aki's life. Well, it's not bad to hear that he already had a girlfriend.

I found that girl nice and smart, with a little stubborn on the inside. Guess it.

Aki and she are good to be paired, they're both lawyers and came from a family of lawyers and the richest.

If they wanted to get married it could be now or soon and anytime they want. They had lots of money, if they want to get married, then that's a perfect gift to both of them.

Wait...why am I talking about all this?! I shouldn't talk about it nor think about the possibility that they will be together soon! how idiot!

Shut the fuck up Aurora! (I cursed)

"So let's order, I think Aurora is hungry," Uncle uttered and laugh a bit.

"You got it, right uncle," I joined him with his laugh.

We order when the waiter came to our table. They order a lot of food while I ordered food for lunch only.

No sweets.

No other foods to eat.

"Aurora, you eat a few foods, why?"

I think Auntie Emilla, notice it.

"Im not that hungry Auntie. I just ate my breakfast on the plane and Im too full when I arrived in Manila," I don't need to explain too many words.

"You've just arrived? why didn't you took a rest and let the board meeting be postponed for a while? We can still continue it tomorrow," Aki's sister joined the conversation.

"No no no, it's fine. Im used to do this, nothing to worry about. Let's just continue eating,"

They all nodded and continue eating our lunch.

For while it becomes quiet until one of Izonel's family talks about life.

"Aki, when do you plan to get married?" A not-so-old man questioned him.

I sipped on my wine while reading a message on my cellphone. They were all busy talking about the life of their son.

"No plan at all," He simply answered.

"Aki no plan? since when will you live like that?" His sister pointed him with raised brows.

"How about you Aurora?"

I choked the wine.

"Ah-h what?" My eyes winded.

"Im asking if do you have any plans on having a family yet," She then repeated her question.

"Ohh, sorry no plans for that. Maybe after my sister's wedding," It sounds true but it was all lie.

Ellah is too young to get married and will take a year before she got married before me. Just being wise guys don't be too sad, lmao.

"How old is your sister, Aurora?"

"19," I simply answered.


"How old are you Aurora?" she then asks.


"What!? you're 23 and yet you wanted to wait for your sister's wedding before yours? what if your sister doesn't have any plans to get married?" she hysterically uttered.

"She'll have plans. For me, Im not in hurry."

"Fioncia, you're pressuring Aurora. Let her plan her wedding with Aki soon," Aki's dad joined the conversation

I choked again.

"With what!?"

"Ohh darling, didn't your father informed you that we wanted you and Aki to be in the future?" Aki's mom uttered.

Her mom's eyes were shining after saying those words. I look at Aki and he just smirked and smile a bit.

Is he teasing!? what the fuck??

"Aki is in a relationship,"

"What relationship are you talking about Auror" her mom's face formed full of confusion.

You're being too grumpy Aurora, admit it. You do like Aki and you're not against the arranged marriage. (my mind mumbled)

Shut up! Im still offended by what she has done to me 2 days ago. He snob me! he ignored everything about me. My presence!

"I think you got it, the wrong auntie. Im in a relationship right now and maybe soon he'll propose for marriage," I couldn't take it anymore.

Everything I've said was all a lie. I have no choice but to spill lies about my life.

After lunch, they decided to go home and offered me a ride but I refuse to accept it.

It's going to be a hassle to Aki if he drove me home, knowing that he's with his girlfriend.

"Rita, I can give you a ride." Someone offered.

He's one of the lawyers. Maybe he's related to Izonel's family, or maybe he's Aki's cousin.

"No no no, it's fine. My house isn't that far so you don't need to drove me home. But thanks for the ride??" my voice was questioning about his name. Well, he gets it anyway.

"Rij," He answered and showed his hands for a shaking hand.

I smiled and was about to reach for his hands when someone grabbed them for me.

"Ariel Kliffen Izonel," Aki mumbled.

Rij laugh and shook his head like he understands what Aki's doing.

"So possessive Aki," Rij uttered and tap His shoulder.

He winks at me for a while before he left us. Aki was staring at me like I did wrong to him, whats with this man?

"If you want some ride you can ask for me. Why do you need to ask others when Im here?" He sounds like he's angry.

"I didn't ask for a ride. He's the one who offered it," I defend myself.

"Let's go, I'll give you a ride."

"Oh? no, it's fine, my condo isn't that far as I've said to Rij. You go and bring your girlfriend to her home safe. I'll go ahead,"

After saying those words. I smiled and left him alone in front of the double doors. As I left him it was the exact time Amara went out in the restaurant.

My condominium isn't that far from the restaurant so I can just hike it. It would be fun and good for my body.

I just finish my lunch so I wanted to walk a bit. There's a near mall in the restaurant, so my body decided to went to the mall and buy some groceries and clothes.