Page: 18


"Divine, where is attorney Buenvenco?"

"Attorney, she's with attorney Archeleo." My secretary answered.


"Ahh, she's having a coffee with a--,"

"I know, what Im asking is where they're!" My voice raised a bit that made her bow her head.

"Nearby to our firm attorney, 3 meters away." She answered still bowed head.


God! why I wm being so moody! What is going on with me!

I stand up and wear my coat before leaving my office. It was a good day for everyone but not for me.

Rita is testing my patience, yet I don't have feelings towards her. All I know is I do care for her and nothing else.

Daven is a very busy man and he's on a damn! plan on winning Molissa back. He'll just go to make Rita's rebound girl and that made me angry.

Why do you care for her? (my mind mumbled)

I shooked my head and continue walking till my feet reaches the elevator. Some staff greeted me and wave their hands.

My hands are holding the keys while Im texting on my phone. Asking someone in that coffee shop, if they saw two attorneys.

But I got nothing. They didn't saw any attorneys who had coffee in their place and stayed for a bit.

I then realize that maybe they were in the other coffee shop that Rita used to go to. Not to mention that I know about her favorite coffee and places.

This was just because of my surveillance of her when she joined our firm. It was not easy to trust others when it comes to principles and law.

That's why I took some investigation about her. Well, nothing smells fishy and she had a good profile in everything.

She's a daughter of Buenvenco who owns a law firm in Japan, also she had a half-sister on her mother's side.

That's all, don't bother to expect anything. I just asked her details of profiles and backgrounds. Nothing else, really nothing else.

As I drove my car to Drake's Coffee shop I was all angry and annoyed. My hands were ready to punch someone in the face.

Although I don't do that, imagining Rita becomes Daven's rebound girl made me irritated.

What on earth did she saw on Daven's face that she was so attractive. Daven is just a simple man who is playful but faithful to her ex-girlfriend.

Until now he's still faithful even though they already broke up. That happened a year before last year.


When I arrived in the cafe, I slit my eyes in the window to roam my eyes in the whole cafe.

The glass was smokey and blurry because of its designs. This will take an hour if I'll wait for them to go out.

In my idiot thoughts, I walk towards the door and pushed it to open.

Im prepared to scold them both. Everything I need to say is prepared and all fine.....

But I thought Im all prepared after seeing everything. I saw it with my both eyes and that made me felt anger.



"It's already 3 pm, I should go guys. Attorney Buenvenco thanks for the treat," She thanked and smiled.

"Rita is fine, don't mention attorney if we're not in the firm. It's too formal to be called an attorney in public places," I suggested.

"Rita is right Amy, you can call her whatever you wanted to call her," Daven mumbled and laughed.

"He always said that Amara, don't mind this boy here. He was just broken-hearted," I backfired.

He glared at me and Amara and I laughed. She twice said her goodbyes before she left us alone in the coffee shop.

Daven and I talk for more about the breakups of Aki and Eliza but didn't talk too much.

I just ask few questions about how they met and how they broke up.

That's all, don't want to intrude nor have some thoughts about their past relationship.

Everything happens for a reason. That's what Aki said to Daven when they're on the bar. Well, he got a correct answer to it.

"I didn't know Eliza had a past with Izonel's grandchild,"

"You always said you don't know," He blames.

"Oh! so you're blaming me for not knowing about them. Cant I just say that Im too busy with my studies in that years? Im too busy," I defended myself from his accuses.

" always have that excuses Aurora," Daven murmured and laugh.

"Shut up, at least I know how you two broke up." said with a glare of eyes.

"With who?"

"Daven don't play too blind, you know who I mean for it." I teased.

"Shut up Rithea Aurora!" He sounded mad.

"Alright HAHAHHAHAH," Laughed.

"Hey, it's already 4 pm we should go," Daven mumbled as he looks at his watch.

"Damn... I didn't saw the time, do you still have cases to read?" I asked.

"Sort of," He simply answered.

"So am I, lets go."

He stood up and went to the counter to pay the bills. I fix my clothes and tie my hair before carrying those bunch of folders.

"You done?" Daven asked when he got closer to me.

"Almost, let's go."

We walk for a few steps when his phone rang and made us stop walking.

"Hello?" I heard him uttered before he signs his hands to wait for a moment.

I waited for 2 minutes before the call hangs up. His eyes were watering and that made me worry.

"What? what happened?"

"She got engaged," He murmured as his tears fall so slow.

"Hey, hey shhh," paused.

"That won't become true, its a fake news." I comforted him while his hugging me.

He rested his head on my shoulder while he cried without voice. I only heard him sobbed in a low tone and breathe for too long.

"We should go, it's not good to talk it in here."

Daven nodded like a kid. When I turned around, my eyes catch someone's eyes who are looking at us.

That was a quick eye contact so I can't say who it was. All I know is his eyes were darkened and full of anger.

I get rid of that thoughts and focused on Daven's problem. My cousin is in pain, don't know what to do to make him comfortable and be happy again.

Molissa should consider Daven's feelings too before she left without words. Now she came back as nothing happened and brought a man in nowhere.

Her profession didn't match her attitudes. That made me annoyed with her and hate her.

She cants even say sorry for leaving Daven in pain and cause him trauma on loving someone, again.