Setting up a Berry Farm

Breeze: "@Bai Yuwei, how much water do you have?"

At this moment, in another cave, Bai Yuwei was resting by the side of a pool of spring water.

She was used to eating very little to maintain her figure. But now she had exhausted almost all of her stamina when she had just dug for the first time.

She had been rather lucky. She hadn't encountered any danger and had obtained a valuable water resource, an underground spring.

Now, however, she was famished. She immediately sent a message asking more questions when she saw that someone had food.

Bai Yuwei immediately replied, "Yes, yes, I have a lot of water!"

Breeze: "Oh?"

Bai Yuwei seemed to realize something. Her face turned slightly red as she explained in a hurry, "I found a pool of spring water and can trade water with you."

Breeze: "Fine, since it is spring water, I want ten units. I'll trade my berries for them. (Picture attached)."

Bai Yuwei was fine with that. After all, water had been spewing out from this cave. She didn't think that it would dry up any time soon. However, she was savvy enough not to easily agree to a trade. She knew that water was a rare resource at this moment.

Just now, she had traded her water for a few necessities on the trading channel.

Bai Yuwei sent a message back: "One unit of water for one berry. You can have as many units as you want.

"If you have a lot of food, I would suggest that we have a long-term partnership. I'll supply you with water every day while you trade your food with me. How does that sound?"

"This woman is quite smart. She wants a constant source of food." Xia Chengfeng smiled to himself. If this had been their previous world, a famous star like Bai Yuwei wouldn't have had any dealings with him.

She would not even have needed to trade with him for food. Her performance fees for a song would have been more than his annual salary.

Everything had changed now that they had entered the crypt world.

Xia Chengfeng thought to himself, "Thinking about it, I do need water every day. Not only can I use it to quench my thirst, but I can also use it to wash up and water the cranberries that I am growing."

Thus, Xia Chengfeng agreed. "All right, let's set it up like this for the moment. I'll take ten units for now."

Bai Yuwei: "(Okay! emoji)."

Soon, Bai Yuwei obtained ten berries. She immediately washed a berry in her spring water and bit into it.

"I finally have something to eat." Bai Yuwei felt as though she had a new lease on life. She had gotten too weak physically. She did not know how long she would have lasted without food.

Xia Chengfeng obtained ten units of water. There was no need for a container for the water in his space bubble. Water could be stored in a way that defied the laws of physics.

"Now comes the refined steel ore. Decompose!" Xia Chengfeng started to use the talent ability of his magic soul, the Evil Eye of Destruction.

Not only could it break down objects perfectly, but it could be used to refine ores and other materials such as that.

"Decomposition success. Decomposition experience +1, received refined steel +1." Xia Chengfeng obtained a block of refined steel that was about the size of a pencil case after the decomposition was complete.

He could probably use it to make a cleaver or other steel weapons.

Unfortunately, he did not have a fire or other tools at the moment and could not forge the refined steel block.

Xia Chengfeng surveyed his surroundings. There were still a few vines in this space. However, he had no way of preserving them.

The system told him that other than his space bubble, the other caves or crypts that he'd explored would only exist for three days. They would completely vanish after three days.

He could choose to obtain a space crystal if he completely conquered this space. The space crystal could be used to increase the size of his space bubble.

If he did not conquer this space, this space would be randomly allocated to other areas.

Xia Chengfeng cleared all of the vines in the cave.

"Received cranberry vines +20."

"[Cranberry Vine]: Can be used to grow cranberries."

Xia Chengfeng also dug up all of the other vines and decomposed them.

"Decomposition success. Received beginner plant essence +10, decomposition experience +3."

"[Beginner Plant Essence]: Can be used to promote plant growth."

"Great, I can start a berry farm soon."

Farming was an essential skill for survival.

Xia Chengfeng allocated a large proportion of space from his space bubble, 3 x 3 yards to be exact, and added nine units of soil to create a plot of land.

System notification: "Spent five points of stamina. Completed an ordinary nine-grid farm."

Xia Chengfeng buried the cranberry vines in the soil. The vines would grow on their own.

He also tested out the effects of the plant essence. It was a concentrated liquid. Xia Chengfeng poured a drop of the liquid onto the cranberry vines he was growing. The vines immediately seemed to be imbued with life. They sprouted new leaves and began to flower.

Judging from the speed that they grew, they should be ready for harvest in a day or two.

This was the reason that Xia Chengfeng had chosen the Destruction Soul. He would be able to make the most of his resources.

"Not good. I have to answer the call of nature." Xia Chengfeng felt a pain in his stomach. However, there were no toilets here.

He had no choice but to do it where he was standing.

System notification: "Received primitive fertilizer +1."

"[Primitive Fertilizer]: Can be used to promote plant growth and improve the nutritional content of the soil. Consumption is not advised."

"I can't waste sh*t." Xia Chengfeng buried his feces in the soil and then fertilized his cranberry vines.

He didn't have any toilet paper of course. He could only make do with the leaves of the cranberry vines.

After he'd finished, Xia Chengfeng continued to explore. His stamina had recovered to five points. He could dig for another cave.

Before he dug, though, he chose to conquer the original cave with the vines.

System notification: "Received a beginner space crystal."

"[Beginner Space Crystal]: Can be used to increase the area of your space by one cubic yard."

The cave with the vines immediately vanished. Xia Chengfeng appeared in his space bubble. A crystalline structure with an infinite amount of faces appeared in the space. It was about the size of a soybean but seemed to harbor immense energy.

"Use the beginner space crystal." Xia Chengfeng chose to use the crystal. The space crystal instantly rose into the air and vanished. His space bubble increased in size by one cubic yard.

He would have to constantly explore other caves to increase the area of his personal space if he wanted to live comfortably.

Xia Chengfeng was prepared for another round of excavation. He first divined the future with his divination crystal ball.

"What will I discover if I dig toward the front?

The divination crystal ball turned fiery red. It seemed as though embers were dancing in the crystal ball.

"Scorching fire element fills the space. You are like a fire burning me from within."

"Fire element?" Xia Chengfeng thought about the fire-element caves in the crypt world. There were many possibilities.

For example, there might be fire-element monsters or treasures. There might even be a mini world of magma.

However, the danger level of magma was higher and should not appear near new players.

Since that was the case, it was highly likely that the cave had fire-element ores or similar items.

Xia Chengfeng immediately started digging. He dug out a tunnel after spending four stamina points.

At this time, he could no longer store the soil resources that he'd obtained. Xia Chengfeng could only choose to toss them away. It made him feel a little sad. His usual principle was to not waste any resources. Even the most unassuming resource might have its unique value.