Temporary Barbecue Store

Xia Chengfeng immediately carved him off the hind leg of a wild boar. He didn't care about how the other party was going to prepare the meat.

System notification: "Obtained one ton of [Salt]."

The ton of salt was put away with all of Xia Chengfeng's other supplies within the space bubble. Even though the space bubble was capable of storing items, it had no containers for those items. Because of this, the entire space bubble looked extremely cluttered.

"I'm going to have to go on a shopping spree." Xia Chengfeng saw that many lifestyle-related items had appeared on the trading channel.

For example, someone had discovered that clay could be used to make earthenware. Some people were making steel equipment like hammers and nails on their own.

There were even people who were selling wood, cement, and strong vines. They were great materials for building a house.

Xia Chengfeng didn't know how long it would take if he had to search for these materials and build the items himself.

Xia Chengfeng looked at the 21 wild boar corpses he'd accumulated. He knew what he had to do.

"I'll set up a barbecue shop. Currently, there's a lack of meat. I can trade for a lot of items with just a small piece of meat. This has come just in time for me to purchase a whole bunch of materials." Xia Chengfeng immediately put his thoughts into action.

He immediately traded for a few pieces of refined steel ore and then decomposed them to obtain refined steel.

He then combined them with the fire crystals and a mold made out of soil to make a barbecue rack. He used the fire crystals as charcoal to cook the meat.

Xia Chengfeng: "@Bai Yuwei Sister, I need water! As much as possible!"

Bai Yuwei: "Boss, what kind of good items have you gotten this time? (Pity emoji)"

Xia Chengfeng: "Nothing much, just something to eat. (Picture attached: Wild boar)"

Bai Yuwei's eyes lit up when she saw the picture. Almost all of the other players were in a state of starvation. Having meat to eat was simply the best thing that could happen to them.

Bai Yuwei immediately sent a reply, "The piggies are so cute. Can you share some of them with me when you're ready to eat them? I'll trade you for water."

Xia Chengfeng didn't refuse. There was no need to be too stingy with a partner.

He replied, "Sure!"

Bai Yuwei: "(Bowing emoji)!"

She immediately sent Xia Chengfeng a few units of water. Xia Chengfeng started to clean the wild boars.

Even though he had never dissected a pig before, he had seen people do it when he had visited a farm.

He torched the fur of the boar with fire, then scraped the burnt bits away with a piece of wood. He sliced the meat into strips and cubes with his sword before placing them onto the bed of fire crystals to cook them. He sprinkled on a little salt and the simple barbecued meat was complete.

"It smells so good." Xia Chengfeng had roasted a small piece as a sample. Its taste was worse than he'd expected.

Wild boar has a gamey flavor. The farmed pork that he'd eaten in the previous world had usually been castrated to get rid of its gamey flavor.

He couldn't afford to do that here. In such a situation where everyone was hungry, having meat to eat was already a luxury.


On the forum, a few of the teams were discussing their survival strategy in their private chat rooms.

In the chat room of Tianxun Internet Technology Ltd., Wu Rui concluded, "Currently, our Tianxun team has more than 600 people. We are already a major force in area 2222.

"We've put up news about our survival experiences on the group chat. All of you can read through it. Those who require assistance can speak to the manager.

"Now, what we have to discuss is our future development."

There were several elites in the Tianxun Internet Technology Ltd. After all, most of the employees were high-achieving students who had graduated from prestigious colleges.

Someone immediately commented, "Chairman Wu, we should gather resources from the trading channel immediately. We should encourage players, especially those with water, salt, and steel, to join our team.

"With them as partners, all of us would be better equipped to survive. We will also be able to prepare for the future."

Wang Dahai said, "Chairman Wu, as long as we possess resources, we should be able to attract even more players into our team when the time comes. We might even become the strongest organization in this area."

Wu Rui: "Wang Dahai is right. We cannot be too focused on what's in front of us. There will definitely be competition in the future. It is important that we start to amass capital.

"Let's do this. Those of you who were originally from the human resources department and the marketing department should contact those people through the trading channel. Try and convince them to join us. If you can't do that, you may trade for their resources with our items.

"The more players you drag into our camp, the better."

"All right!" The Tianxun team immediately started to take action.

At the same time, in the private channel of the Xingyuan Company, Yang Yong was also gathering his people.

"Brothers!" Yang Yong was in the middle of a speech. "Entering this Crypt World is our chance.

"In this world, there are no laws. There are no guns. All of the rules will be set by the powerful.

"Here, we are truly powerful."

"Yes, what do those imbeciles know. Every one of them was begging for their lives on the forum. They can't even dig a hole." Yang Yong's lackeys were laughing.

Yang Yong was filled with ambition. He said, "So we have to seize this opportunity and band together. We have to seize manpower and resources. Even though I don't know what will happen in the future, I know that there is strength in numbers.

"Work with me, brothers. I'll guarantee that we will have a comfortable life in the future!"

His lackeys left a flurry of comments, "You are awesome, Brother Yang!"

"We will follow Brother Yang with all our hearts!"

"Brother Yang, what do you think we should do?"

Yang Yong said, "First, we have to guarantee the survival of our brothers. Hand your extra resources to Xiaowu and have him allocate them to those who need them. Some of you will have to take a small loss to give our brothers who didn't manage to find food something to eat. We will remember your contributions. We will treat you well in the future.

"Also, take out all of the resources that you're not using for the time being and trade them on the channel.

"We can only become the strongest faction in this area if we amass all of the resources on the trading channel. Understand?"

"Understood!" The lackeys immediately started to register their resources and use them for trading.

A few smaller teams also did the same. After these modern city dwellers got past their initial temporary panic, many intelligent people had realized the importance of resources and were starting to gather as much as they could.

The capitalists realized that without any market supervision in this world, they could become immensely wealthy if they managed to gain a monopoly over the resources.

Just as the factions were all purposefully searching for talented individuals and resources, a thread suddenly appeared on the trading channel. It attracted everyone's attention.

Breeze: "Limited opening at the Breeze Temporary Barbecue. I am now selling roasted pork and am looking to trade for various items. Priority will be given to those offering space crystals, runic treasure chests, runic keys, energy crystals, and the like. You can send me a private message for other items. I have a limited amount of roasted pork. Answer quickly! (Picture of roast pork)"

The image was of the pork that Xia Chengfeng had just finished grilling. There was even salt sprinkled all over it. The starving players felt that they could smell the fragrance of the roast pork through the picture.

What Xia Chengfeng needed the most now were space crystals.

His space bubble was too small at 127 cubic yards. He only had an effective land area of 25 square yards. After he'd set up his berry farm, all he had left was a small space to sleep in.

He needed more space if he wanted to set up a pigpen and build a small hut. Yet, a space crystal could only increase the area of his space by one cubic yard. He didn't know how long it would take for him to dig out enough space for a pigpen if he was to do it himself.

Thus, collecting the space crystals of the other players was the correct way of doing things. Currently, not many people were thinking about expanding their space bubble as food was still a problem for them.

A ruckus immediately broke out in the trading channel of area 2222 when Xia Chengfeng posted about the temporary barbecue store.