Recruiting Inhabitants For The Territory

The controller of a puppet would be able to share the puppet's field of vision. The field of vision of the skeleton was based on the area of perception of its Soul Rock. Xia Chengfeng's puppet had a perception area of about eight meters.

Xia Chengfeng saw that the underground pit was a dusky underground jail. The jail was extremely simple, with cells made of blackened wood. There were restraining runes engraved on the wood to prevent the creatures within the cells from escaping.

"Qiu mi, qiu mi!" A frightened scream came from within the cell. The voice was tender and flustered.

Xia Chengfeng got the skeleton soldier to get closer to the source of the sound, only to see three young intelligent life forms trembling in a corner.

They were not even the size of a human arm and had beautiful, butterfly-like wings sprouting behind their backs. Their physique was petite and frail, and they looked like a human female.

[Flower Elf Lv5]: A small elf born from a flower. Flower elves have gentle personalities and love to be surrounded by flowers. They have an affinity with the earth element and are proficient in nurturing crops.

These three pitiful elves hugged each other tightly as they shrieked. They were afraid that the skeleton soldier would eat them.

"These flower elves must have been the original creatures in this cave but were imprisoned by the evil tree elves." Xia Chengfeng made an educated guess.

After he ascertained that there were no more dangers lurking, he pulled the skeleton warrior back and jumped into the underground jail himself.

"Oh, oh, oh... are we going to die?"

"Sister, I don't want to die!"

"It's so confusing!" Xia Chengfeng realized he could understand their language.

It was rumored that the elvish language was derived from nature and anybody with a relatively strong mental energy could understand their language.

"Cough, cough!" Xia Chengfeng coughed twice and said, "Little ones, who are you?"

"Hm?" The three elves heard his voice and secretly turned their heads to look.

"The skeleton has disappeared!"

"What is he? He looks very similar to us!"

"He must be a human, as told in the legends! Grandma once told me about them in the past!"

"Will humans eat us?"

"Is he a good guy or a bad guy?" The elves could not stop talking.

"Roar!" Xiaozi also flew over with wide-open eyes. She looked at the elves curiously, looking as if there was only one thing on her mind.

The aura emanating from her body once again caused the little elves to cry in fear once again, "Qiu mi, qiu mi, it's a dragon!"

"Dragons will eat us!"

"Save us!"

"You can't eat them!" Xia Chengfeng snarled at Xiaozi. She was a creature that wanted to eat even herself. He had to explain it to her first.

"Roar!" Xiaozi became significantly less excited.

Xia Chengfeng continued to calm the little elves, and said, "Don't worry, I am a good guy. I won't harm you. I've defeated the evil tree elves outside!"

Xia Chengfeng did not like to kill without a reason. Besides, these little elves would be extremely useful. He would not have to worry about the farming and harvesting of his farm and medicinal field if he got these elves into his space bubble to care for his fields. He might even have a bumper harvest!

"Really?" The little elves were extremely naïve. They believed Xia Chengfeng when he said that he was a good person.

"Those evil tree elves are too detestable. They destroyed our field of flowers!"

"They even ate father and mother, aunty and uncle! Our relatives have all been eaten by them, sob, sob, sob…"

"Brother Human, was what you said true?"

"Of course!" Xia Chengfeng took out the [Corrupted Tree Heart Lv9] and said, "Look!"

"That is the tree-heart of the evil baddie!" he replied. The flower elves could feel its aura.

They broke out in tears of joy. "Qiu mi, qiu mi, that's great!"

"It's true, Brother Human did not lie to us!"

"Thank you, thank you for avenging us!"

Xia Chengfeng sympathized with them, and said, "Unfortunately, I came too late and I didn't find your relatives. Now, let me first get you out of there!"

He punched the cage after he finished speaking, and he immediately broke the runic restraints.

The beautiful elves immediately flew out and surrounded Xia Chengfeng as a gesture of their gratitude.

Xia Chengfeng said, "You guys can head out to have a look!"

"Qiu mi, we'll be back immediately!" The three elves flew out of their cell to have a look.

Xia Chengfeng also left the underground jail. Sadness overcame the elves after they flew around the underground pit and returned.

"There are only the three of us left!" One of the elves cried sadly.

"What should we do?"

"Will the tree elves return?"

At this moment, Xia Chengfeng looked at the little elves solemnly, and said, "Probably... And it's not only the tree elves but there are other monsters in the surrounding caves too! They especially loved to eat little elves! One elf per mouthful!"

"Qiu mi, qiu mi, what should we do?" His words frightened the little elves.

Xia Chengfeng let out a sigh and said, "It won't be easy for you guys to live here. You'll constantly encounter danger."

"Why don't you guys come to my territory? There are no dangers there. I'll protect you even if there are!"

"Qiu mi, qiu mi, Brother Human, is what you say true?" A little elf flew in front of Xia Chengfeng.

Xia Chengfeng observed the elf closely. Even though the flower elf was minute in stature, she was extremely adorable and had a svelte figure. She would undoubtedly be considered a human beauty if her proportions were increased.

"Of course! I, Xia Chengfeng, will never go back on my word!" Xia Chengfeng said, "Now, I am sincerely inviting all of you to join my territory."

"I will give you a piece of land to grow flowers and allow you to live freely. You will no longer have to face a monster invasion again!"

He was not trying to trick the elves into joining his territory, for he knew that other monsters would surely attack this cave after he left. These three elves also had no battle capabilities and would most probably meet with misfortune. It was in their best interests that they leave with Xia Chengfeng.

The three elves were already blushing with excitement after Xia Chengfeng finished what he had to say.

"Brother Human, you are too kind-hearted!"

"You are an angel!"

"This must be the legendary good person who grandma told us about!'

"Of course!" Xia Chengfeng calmly took out the [One-Star Leader Contract] and said, "I will send you into my territory as long as you sign this contract."

"Sign a contract?" An elf became cautious, "Father said that we must not recklessly sign contracts!"

"We would be done for if we encountered a bad person!"

"But this brother is not a bad person. He helped us defeat the evil tree elves!"

Xia Chengfeng paused when he saw the situation, and said, "It's fine if you are not willing. I hope that you'll be safe. We'll meet again someday!"

The elves became flustered again when they saw that Xia Chengfeng about to leave.

"Brother, don't go first. We trust you!"

"That's right, we would have been eaten by the evil tree elves if you had not saved us!"

"We are willing to go to your territory!"

Xia Chengfeng let out a smile and said, "Great, little pitiful elves, tell me your names."

"I am Mi'er." The little elf with the wings of a bee said, "I am their older sister."

"I am Die'er." The little elf with the wings of a butterfly said, "I am the second sister."

"I am Qing'er." The little elf with the wings of a dragonfly said, "I am the youngest sister, but I'm only younger by a few minutes!"

"Good. Mi'er, Qing'er, and Die'er. I'm Xia Chengfeng and I am a human alchemist. I am now signing the [Leader Contract] with you. From now on, you will become inhabitants of my territory and will receive my protection. But, you will have to contribute to the development of my territory!"

A few bolts of light appeared in front of the three elves when Xia Chengfeng activated the [Leader Contract].

The bolts of light entered their bodies when the elves accepted the contract. Then the contract was complete.

The information of the elves appeared on the [Leader Contract].

[Flower Elf — Mi'er Lv5]: Specialty [Pollination], [Plant Nurturing], [Nectar Brewing].

[Flower Elf — Diei'er Lv5]: Specialty [Pollination], [Plant Growth Acceleration], [Crossbreeding].

[Flower Elf — Qing'er Lv5]: Specialty [Seed Nurturing], [Pest Extermination], [Plant Treatment].

Current inhabitants in the territory: 3/10.