
[Five Grains Pill: Used to replenish stamina.]

[Water Droplet: Used to quench thirst.]

[Duck Feather: Material]

Looking at the fluffy yellow feather in his hand, Wang Shuo felt cheated.

What was the use of this thing?

"If I had known, I would have chosen two more Five Grains Pills."

Wang Shuo was a little speechless.

A longan-sized black pill appeared in his palm.

Instantly, a rich aroma of rice and wheat wafted through the air…


He was so hungry that his stomach couldn't help but rumble when he smelled the delicious scent.

Wang Shuo couldn't be bothered to analyze it. He directly threw it into his mouth, chewed twice, and swallowed it.

Unexpectedly, it tasted pretty good.

It was soft and chewy, with a slight sweetness. Simply delicious.

Less than three seconds after he swallowed it, he felt full.

"Not bad!"

But even though he was full, his mouth felt a little dry.

He stretched out his palm, and a crystal-clear, blue gelatinous object that felt like gummy candy appeared in it.

"This thing can quench my thirst?"

Feeling skeptical, Wang Shuo threw it into his mouth.

As soon as the water droplet entered his mouth, it turned into a stream of coolness that flowed down his throat and spread throughout his body.

Just like the rain after a drought, the delightful sensation caused a shiver to run through Wang Shuo's body. In just two seconds, he felt as if every cell in his body had been moistened.

In an instant, he felt revitalized.

"What an amazing thing!" Wang Shuo exclaimed in admiration. The game world's logic truly couldn't be judged by common sense.

Having quenched his thirst and fed his hunger, Wang Shuo inspected the world around him. Above his head, the giant sun shone dazzlingly.

"Seems like this game also has day and night…"

After some calculations, Wang Shuo found that if the game world was the same as Earth, and the time was between 10 and 11 a.m.

"This won't do. It's not even noon yet. Who knows how long these three pills can last. Worse still, the weather is so hot that there's no way the water droplets will last long…"

Wang Shuo had planned to take a nap. But the realization of his difficult situation immediately planted a sense of urgency within his mind.

"Let's see if there are any other monsters!"

But after half an hour, he didn't even find a single hair of any monster, let alone a monster. But he did make an unexpected discovery.

While this wilderness seemed endless, Wang Shuo could only move within a one-kilometer radius. A transparent wall blocked the land beyond.

He tried to throw a piece of dirt over, but it was also blocked.

"Is this just a novice village?"

Since the Desolate Game was a game, it was not surprising that there was a novice village.

But this wasn't good news.

As everyone knew, novice villages were usually the safest places in a game.

If this place was really a novice village, then the wall's existence was probably not to restrict the newbies' movements.

Instead, it was for protecting their safety.

In other words, the dangers beyond the wall were not something that the current players could deal with.

Upon realizing this, Wang Shuo's joy from his newfound powers was doused by more than half.

If his guess was correct, his current situation was grave.

He opened the forum and glanced at the number of players online. His heart sank.


In just half an hour, dozens of players went offline again.

From the information he gathered on the forum, Wang Shuo guessed that the offline players were most likely killed by monsters.

Moreover, these people who were killed likely had not resurrected.

Otherwise, the number of people on the forum would not decrease.

"Shit, the death rate within the novice villages is already so high. Just what kind of dangers awaits us after we pass the novice period?"

At this instant, Wang Shuo's temperament quietly changed.

He became less frivolous and much more composed.

On the forum, most players had yet to realize the seriousness of the situation.

There were still many people fooling around and cracking jokes.

Wang Shuo scrolled along and searched for useful information.

"Anyone know what the monster respawn timer is?"

"After I killed the first one, the second respawned about an hour later. But I don't know if the respawn mechanic is based on the game time or the time of death of the first monster."

"It respawns one hour after the time of death. I spent four hours killing two monsters, and then about an hour later, the third monster spawned."

"F*ck, you killed two monsters at once? Amazing!"



Wang Shuo silently memorized the information and then dived back into the forum again.

After finding that there was no more valuable information, he closed the forum.

According to the information the players provided, monsters would respawn after some time. But without personally verifying it, Wang Shuo didn't dare to lower his guard.

After finding a spot to rest for about half an hour, two slappy ducks suddenly jumped out from nowhere five meters away.

"Why are there two?"

After browsing the forum, he found that the few players who completed double-kills say that the monsters respawned one by one. Why were there two now?

"Is it because I killed the previous one too quickly?"

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Wang Shuo got up and faced his enemies. The slappy ducks were pouncing at him in midair. He sidestepped, easily dodging the first monster's attack.

Then he spun around and lashed out with his leg before the second even landed.

Although this action was not difficult, the old Wang Shuo definitely couldn't have executed it.

Just coordination alone would have been a massive test for him, much less the necessary flexibility.

But just now, his body moved subconsciously as his mind envisioned this movement.

Be it the angle or position, everything was the same as he had imagined. The entire process was as natural as drinking water and eating food, simply a piece of cake.

The 2 points of Physique significantly improved Wang Shuo's leg strength and speed.

The second slappy duck in mid-flight was sent blasting away before it could react.

Wang Shuo didn't stop. With two enormous strides, he dashed to the other duck and kicked once again.

But the slight delay just now allowed the slappy duck to stabilize its body.

This time, the duck reacted quickly. It faced the incoming kick head-on and bit forward fearlessly.

Don't be fooled by this monster's cute appearance. Its movements were fast and ruthless, and most people wouldn't be able to react.

But in Wang Shuo's eyes, it moved just like slow motion. His calf pulled back just enough to avoid the sharp teeth of the duck. Then like poking the surface of still water, his feet tapped the side of the duck's head lightly.


With the crisp snap bones breaking, the duck fell to the ground with a thud.

The other slappy duck was still struggling on the ground.

Wang Shuo shook his head and walked over to help it end its pain.

[You killed Slappy Duck.]

[You killed Slappy Duck.]

[You receive White Treasure Chest x2.]

With the previous lesson learned, Wang Shuo unhesitantly ignored the Duck Feathers and used all his choices on Five Grains Pills and Water Droplets.

[Five Grains Pill +3+3+2]

[Waterdrop +3+3+2]

Including his previous loot, his Five Grains Pills and Water Droplets were now both above ten!