Common Basic Staff Technique (Perfection)

Although Wang Shuo had destroyed the kobold camp, the second trial still wasn't over.

With his experience in the first trial, he thought that the second trial would be the same as before, and monsters would continue to swarm in wave after wave.

But after two hours, nothing happened.

"Is it because the difficulty has increased, so the rest time has increased accordingly?"

Before long, Wang Shuo felt that this possibility wasn't high.

In the first trial, everyone was a newbie, so they needed more time to adjust.

There was no reason for a second round of adaptation.

Moreover, attacking the camp had nothing to do with your condition. After all, the camp monsters wouldn't take the initiative to attack, so the players had a lot of time to prepare.

There was only one factor that restricted everyone from exterminating the camp—strength.

Without sufficient strength, it was useless no matter how good your condition was.

The only reason for the long break was probably to let the players take the opportunity to increase their strength.

"Looks like the upcoming monsters should be getting harder and harder…"

Suppressing this guess in his heart, Wang Shuo continued to immerse himself in practicing staff techniques.

Although he wasn't sure if the kobold leader was telling the truth, he was sure of one thing.

There should indeed be three trials.

And the difficulty would grow exponentially.

So after destroying the kobold camp, he didn't waste any time and began learning the newly acquired Common Basic Staff Technique.

Armed with a large number of Five Grains Pill and Water Droplets, Wang Shuo was like a machine that knew no fatigue and began to practice crazily.

At the same time, he was constantly analyzing the information that the kobold leader had revealed.

First, he filtered out the nonsense about joining the kobolds and the kobold leader saying he would help him pass the three trials safely.

What a joke. The kobolds not only looked pathetic, but even their weapons were made of stone.

Most importantly, how powerful could someone assigned as the vanguard of the second trial be? And their Inheritance Skill wouldn't amount to much anyway.

What truly caught Wang Shuo's attention was the 'supreme Temple' that the other party mentioned.

From his tone, he seemed to revere this so-called 'Temple' greatly.

Since he used the word supreme, it was most likely related to the creator of the game.

If that was the case, then his words were unlikely to be a spur-of-the-moment slip-of-tongue.

In addition, the 'authority' that he revealed indicated that the information that he disclosed was tacitly approved by the game or the Temple.

Furthermore, everything he had done seemed to be arranged by the Temple.

Wang Shuo had paid attention to the forum along the way but hadn't found any information about anything like 'race transformation'.

Although he didn't know if anyone was deliberately concealing it, it was impossible to prevent any information from leaking if everyone encountered such a situation.

In other words, he was probably the only one who encountered the matter of race transformation for the time being.

Wang Shuo carefully recalled his conversation with the kobold leader.

Perhaps due to the increase in his attributes, he could clearly recall every detail at that time.

When the kobold leader first appeared, he had said, "You're not bad."

This was a sentence to express approval. Then he began to talk about race transformation.

This made Wang Shuo begin to suspect that 'race transformation' was likely a hidden plot in the second trial.

The conditions to trigger this plot had to be the approval of the opposing race's leader.

Wang Shuo didn't think that the other party approved of him because he felt that he was handsome and charming. The only possibility was his own strength.

Apart from the above information, his reasoning for thinking this was that the kobold leader had also used a staff. Even more coincidentally was that the kobolds' Inheritance Skill was precisely the Common Basic Staff Technique that he needed.

Without these reasons, Wang Shuo would have thought it was purely a coincidence.

But with them, this so-called coincidence became somewhat intriguing.

This was because the kobold leader's reward after race transformation was 'Racial Inheritance Skill'.

If he had used another weapon or mastered offensive skills, this condition wouldn't hold any appeal at all.

The last point was that the other party's method for race transformation was to swear an oath to the Temple.

This meant that the other party didn't have the ability to transform his race alone but needed to do it through the Temple.

This further confirmed his previous speculation about the hidden plot and the origin of the Temple.

Unfortunately, he still lacked too much information, and he could only analyze this much.

After processing this information, he began to focus on cultivating.

As he consumed Five Grain Pills and Water Droplets, he felt that he was becoming more and more proficient in the Common Basic Staff Technique moves.

In a flash, it was already afternoon.

Wang Shuo had already been practicing for nearly eight hours without realizing it.

At a particular moment, Wang Shuo flicked his wrist and gently pushed the Green Flood Dragon Staff forward. Then following a vigorous and powerful hum, a notification suddenly appeared before his eyes.

[Through your relentless efforts, you successfully grasp the Common Basic Staff Technique.]

[Common Basic Staff Technique (Basic Mastery)]

Grade: Lower Yellow Tier

Description: You have initially grasped the use of staff techniques.

As the staff technique reached basic mastery, Wang Shuo felt all the muscles and bones in his body shudder. Many new insights regarding the staff technique suddenly appeared in his mind.

Five minutes later, he suddenly raised his arm and swung the Green Dragon Staff upward.

This was a textbook-perfect 'lift'.

Compared to when he practiced according to the secret manual by himself, his movements and the way exerted strength were far smoother.

And this was only the beginning.

Following that, there was 'chopping stance', 'crushing stance', 'stabbing stance', 'provoking stance'…

He displayed the 18 basic stances of the Common Basic Staff Technique one after another, and every move was a textbook example.

At this moment, Wang Shuo's gaze was unfocused as he waved the long staff in his hand in a trance.

He practiced these 18 basic moves tirelessly.

As time passed, his movements became faster and faster.

At first, every move was clearly visible. But in less than five minutes, there was only the shadow of a staff left on the field.

But upon closer inspection, you could still vaguely see that Wang Shuo's movements were still the standard Common Basic Staff Technique moves.

Half an hour later, Wang Shuo's actions suddenly changed.

He no longer practiced every move in the sequence of the Common Basic Staff Technique.

Following the first move was still the second move, but the next move was the eleventh move.

In the beginning, his movements were very awkward and stiff.

But with his strong body, he quickly overcame this small problem.

When every move no longer adhered to the standard routine and was still smooth and natural, Wang Shuo's movements changed again.

Earlier, no matter how he practiced, he always stood in the same spot.

At this moment, he suddenly jumped up and swung his staff down in midair. Then with the howling of air splitting, he easily executed a perfect cleave.

Afterward, Wang Shuo moved around with the staff by his side. Everywhere he passed by, the shadow of the staff would flash and disappear. The momentum was much smaller than before, but there was an additional feeling of being untraceable.

[Through your relentless efforts, you completely grasp the essence of the Common Basic Staff Technique.]

[Common Basic Staff Technique (Perfection)]

Grade: Lower Yellow Tier

Description: You have thoroughly mastered the basics of staff techniques.