Mystic Turtle Armor

[The player is undergoing a random draw. [Selection Option] automatically activated.]

[Here are the options…]

[Bone Tempering Pill (Lower Mystic Tier)]

[Coldsteel (Lower Mystic Tier)]

[Duality Fist Technique (Lower Mystic Tier)]

Just like last time, there were a total of 12 options for the Special Treasure Chest.

The first ten items were all lower mystic tier, and the last two were middle mystic tier.

Unlike last time, there were seven kinds of materials in the treasure chest.

Most amazingly, one of them was middle mystic tier.

The remaining five options were:

[Bone Tempering Pill (Lower Mystic Tier)]

Description: Consumption will permanently increase attributes by 0.5. (Note: Invalid to a Physique of 5 points or above.)

[Small Revitalizing Pill (Lower Mystic Tier)]

Description: Recovery and detoxification. A highly effective medicine.

[Duality Fist Technique]

Grade: Lower Mystic Tier

Description: Controls the power of fire and water. Together, the power of fire and water unleashes boundless might.

Note: Only those who possess both water and fire true essence can cultivate it.

[Flame Sickle Bloodline]

Grade: Lower Mystic Tier

Description: Fire element skill level +1

[Mystic Turtle Armor]

Grade: Middle Mystic Tier

Description: Refined from a mixture of a thousand-year mystic turtle shell and many precious spiritual materials. It possesses solid defense.

Wang Shuo looked at the choices in front of him and fell into a dilemma.

Apart from the Small Revitalizing Pellet, the other four were all rare treasures.

The Bone Tempering Pill could increase attributes by 0.5. After choosing this, he could directly raise his Physique to 5 to fulfill the requirement for breaking through the first stage of the Primordial Chaos Skill.

With that, his strength would definitely advance by leaps and bounds. Overall, the cost-to-performance ratio was very high.

But Wang Shuo gave up on this option after some thought.

As the name of the first stage was Foundation Establishment, it clearly showed that this stage was purely for laying the foundation.

There was no need to rush to break through.

As the saying went, the stronger the foundation, the stronger the potential. The advancement notice clearly showed that 5 points was just the threshold for breaking through, and the actual limit was 6.

With his cheat, Wang Shuo's ambitions were very great.

He planned to push his Physique to the limit of the first stage before breaking through.

Since he didn't intend to break through to the second stage immediately, the increase of 0.5 points was much less attractive to him.

The Duality Fist Technique was obviously a powerful martial art.

Wang Shuo didn't plan to give up on staff techniques, but he also didn't play to stick with them forever.

No one knew what kind of situations he would encounter in the future. If he encountered a place where staff techniques couldn't be used, unarmed techniques were crucial.

But the cultivation conditions of this fist technique required your body to possess water and fire true essence. He didn't even know what true essence was, let alone cultivate it.

As for the buff the Flame Sickle Bloodline offered, anyone who gamed would know the advantage of +1 skill level.

But the problem remained. He had no use for it himself.

Thus, there was no need to consider which one to choose.

[You receive the Mystic Turtle Armor!]

As his vision blurred, a fist-sized azure ball of light appeared out of thin air.

In the ball of light, a mini armor floated silently.

[Do you want to equip the Mystic Turtle Armor?]


[Please set the appearance of the armor.]

A three-dimensional display panel appeared in front of him, and in the center was a gorgeous aqua blue armor.

Seeing that the Mystic Turtle Armor actually had an appearance setting function, Wang Shuo was even more satisfied.

He usually wasn't too picky about the clothes he wore, as long as they were clean and fitting.

So he didn't put too much thought into it and changed the appearance to simple sportswear.

[Setting completed. Do you want to equip the armor?]


Wang Shuo quickly took off all his clothes before choosing to equip.


With a cool breeze, perfect blue sportswear appeared on Wang Shuo's body.

He tried moving his hands and feet and found that the slim-fit sportswear didn't seem to have any feeling of restriction. In addition, there was also a cool air continuously expelling the clothing's stains.

"Ha, now I don't have to worry about washing clothes!"

The refreshing feeling cleared Wang Shuo's mind.

He opened the Sand Race's Inheritance Treasure Chest again and chose the Piercing Snow Blade without hesitation.

With the Mystic Turtle Armor, it was naturally impossible for Wang Shuo to fancy the Sand Armor anymore.

Although the Sand Armor was made with Refined Sand and had the highest value for selling in the long run, he didn't have a lot of Refined Sand. Even if he had enough Refined Sand, he didn't intend to waste his effort.

Mere yellow-tier equipment was not worth much. With the time spent getting enough Refined Sand, he could kill a few more monsters and open more treasure chests.

On the other hand, as a mystic-tier weapon, the Piercing Snow Blade should fetch a pretty good price.

Wang Shuo put away the Piercing Snow Blade, and then his gaze landed on the White Treasure Chests.

With 33 White Treasure Chests, he had a total of 99 choices.

He used 30 of them to get Yellow Sand Halberd weapon fragments.

The rest were all for Five Grains Pills.

As for Water Droplets, Wang Shuo planned to exchange for them with Five Grains Pills.

The treasure chests that other players opened gave random loot, so someone must have gotten a lot of Water Droplets.

With the current price of Five Grains Pill, one pill was enough to exchange for many Water Droplets. Thus, it was far more cost-effective than getting them himself.

One minute later, when he opened the last White Treasure Chest, his number of Five Grain Pills exceeded 3,000.

But Wang Shuo now knew the potential market of equipment, and Five Grains Pills could no longer make him feel excited.

He combined the 30 fragments into six Yellow Sand Halberds.

Then he opened the forum and looked at the newly appeared auction column on the left side of the trading column.

Habitually, he glanced at the number of players online. Unexpectedly, the number of players remained at around 500.

At this moment, the chatting atmosphere of the forum had changed.

"LF healing medicine!"

"[Green Spider Spear (Lower Yellow Tier)] LF 20 [Five Grain Pills]. DM me."

"Who has a sword technique manual?"

At a glance, they were basically buying stuff and asking for information or various strategies.

Compared to the past, fewer people spoke obscenities, and their speech was much more straightforward.

"The environment really changes people!"

Wang Shuo shook his head and opened the auction column.

The next second, a row of room numbers occupied the entire forum page.

He looked at the scrolling bar on the right. It was so small that it was almost invisible. He pulled it down slightly, and the entire page instantly fell like a waterfall.

"So many… Don't tell me all the people of Earth are caught up in this?"

If there were only so many human players, what about the other races? How terrifying!

Wang Shuo took a deep breath and calmed his emotions. "Forget it. What's the point of thinking so much? Even if the sky collapses, someone stronger will hold it up. I'm just a newbie who hasn't even come out of the novice village. Thinking so much is useless!"

He randomly chose ten room numbers and then created the auction.

Then an auction room with a capacity of 10,000 was created.

Wang Shuo stacked the six Yellow Sand Halberds together in the auction column at the top.

Then two empty input boxes popped up. One marked the starting price, and the other marked the buyout price.