Pixelization and a Bull-hoofed Monster


Sitting cross-legged and resting on the ground, Wang Shuo was suddenly jolted awake by a loud noise.

He raised his head. In the distance, the ground and vegetation were shaking as a black mountain peak slowly rose from the ground at the edge of the space.

The roaring rumble continued for another ten minutes before everything returned to normal. Only then did Wang Shuo realize that it wasn't a mountain peak!

It was clearly a colossal stone door.

It was just that the stone door was too big. When closed, it stood at least ten meters tall.

Its appearance was straightforward and unadorned, and there were strange patterns engraved all over.

Other than that, there was nothing else.

Just as Wang Shuo was scrutinizing the stone door, a system prompt appeared.

[The Third Trial begins. Please get ready.]

Wang Shuo leaped to his feet and summoned the Green Dragon Staff.

But after a while, there were still no traces of monsters.

"Are the monsters of the third trial inside the stone door?"

With doubts in his mind, Wang Shuo carefully approached the stone door.

Just when he was about 50 meters away from it, his vision suddenly blurred as his surroundings changed.

The forest that had initially been all over the area suddenly turned into a vast arena.

Around the arena, countless spectators cheered deafeningly.

Before he could make sense of his surroundings, a youth clad in black clothes appeared in front of the door. He was about the same height as Wang Shuo and held a black longsword. His face was blurry, as though it was pixelated.

The moment the young man appeared, he disappeared again.


Wang Shuo's attributes of 4.5 not only made his body stronger but also improved his mind.

He immediately analyzed what happened.

"Heart Mirror!"

Wang Shuo was unfazed. He immediately realized that he couldn't see or hear the other party's movements, so he activated Heart Mirror for the first time.

The next second, as if he was granted a heavenly eye, a three-dimensional view that was 360-degree with no blind spots appeared in his mind.

Then Wang Shuo saw a translucent human figure charging toward him.

The other party was swift. With a conservative estimate of a Physique of at least 3.5, this young man was stronger than the purple-clothed cat demon in the second trial.

In less than three seconds, the young man had closed in from the door fifty meters away to within ten meters of him.

"So aggressive right from the start?"

Wang Shuo's pupils contracted slightly. Then without warning, the Green Dragon Staff drew a diagonal semicircle arc and fiercely struck the air on his right.

Three Mountain Staff Technique, first stance—Mountain Splitting.

He attacked with all his strength.

An ear-piercing collision reverberated in the air. Then a human figure smashed onto the ground like a cannonball.

It was the blurry-faced, black-clothed young man who had disappeared just now.

But he looked in dire straits at this moment. A large crater caved in where his sternum fractured, and only a short section of his black longsword remained.


He coughed up a mouthful of blood mixed with fragments of his internal organs.

The black-clothed young man struggled to stretch his hand to his chest. Wang Shuo's eyes turned cold. He took a step forward and ruthlessly stabbed the Green Dragon Staff into his opponent's throat.

The latter turned into particles of light and disappeared without a sound.

[You killed Phantom Assassin Radek Kidd (Projection).]

[You receive Projection Treasure Chest x1]

Wang Shuo was slightly surprised. "Projection? Is this Radek Kidd real?"

He shook his head and suppressed the doubt in his heart. Now was not the time to think about this.

"Wahhh! Amazing!"

The audience went wild at Wang Shuo's display of strength, seemingly praising the brilliance of this battle.

Looking around, Wang Shuo found himself surrounded by countless spectators. But like Radek Kidd, all of them were pixelated. But this time, it was full-body pixelization.

"Is the third trial a live broadcast?"

Wang Shuo felt uncomfortable being watched like a monkey in a circus, but he had no choice.

With the disappearance of Radek Kidd's projection, the surrounding scenery returned to normal.

Staring at the black stone door in the distance, he fell into deep thought.

He had more or less guessed the content of the third trial.

According to the information he had received, the third trial was the final trial of the Newcomer's Trial.

In other words, after passing this level, he would likely leave this novice space.

Most likely, the third trial was to get past this door.

Of course, from Radek Kidd's appearance, the difficulty of passing this trial was apparent.

"Looks like I have to be more prepared. Let's open the treasure chest first!"

[After opening Radek Kidd's Projection Treasure Chest, there is a chance to obtain an item from him.]

[Phantom Saber]

Grade: Upper Yellow Tier

Enchantment: Stealth Attack +1

Description: Phantom Assassin's Exclusive Set 1/3

Note: Gathering the entire Phantom Equipment Set will grant additional Stealth +1 and Silent Walk +1.

[Phantom Armor]

Grade: Upper Yellow Tier

Enchantment: Stealth +1

Description: Phantom Assassin's Exclusive Set 1/3

Note: …

[Phantom Boots]

Level: Higher Yellow Tier

Enchantment: Silent Walk +1

Description: Phantom Assassin's Exclusive Set 1/3

Note: …

[Lion Heart Potion]

Grade: Yellow Tier

Description: Increase Physique by 0.5 for half an hour.


Wang Shuo smacked his lips when he saw this. There was an equipment set and an enhancement potion. How generous!

After all, the third trial had barely begun…

Wang Shuo suppressed the greed in his heart. Then without hesitation, Wang Shuo ruled out the three-piece Phantom Equipment Set and directly selected the Lion Heart Potion.

He felt a chill in his palm, and an orange tube about the size of his index finger appeared out of thin air.

"That guy just now probably wanted to drink this potion, right? Who knows. He might have stood up again after drinking it…

"But just to be safe, it's best to end battles as quickly as possible!"

After a short rest, Wang Shuo walked toward the black stone door again.

After ten meters closer, a loud and boorish roar boomed. Once again, Wang Shuo arrived at the familiar arena.

Opposite him was a two-meter-tall, absurdly muscular man shouting at the sky, carrying a giant ax about the same height as him.

"This fellow doesn't look human!"

Wang Shuo's eyes narrowed as they landed on the other party's huge foot that was like a cow's hoof.


The big guy suddenly shouted and charged forward while brandishing his giant ax.

Facing this muscle head, Wang Shuo didn't dare to let the other party charge him. He stepped forward to greet him.

Who knew that when the two of them were about ten meters away from each other, the bull-hoofed monster suddenly stomped down onto the ground.


A violent shockwave erupted.

Wang Shuo's expression changed drastically. He lost his balance and 50% of his strength.

On the other hand, the bull-hoofed monster's aura became incomparably fierce. He jumped high directly above Wang Shuo's head, raised his giant ax with both hands, and fiercely chopped down.


At this moment of life and death, Wang Shuo's mind was clearer than ever.

The tip of his toes tapped the ground, and the counterforce stabilized his slanted body.

With the Advanced Movement Technique, he gained a chance to deal with the monster.