
"Although you luckily managed to beat me with your equipment, as you said, luck is also a part of strength. I, Sanada Kazuhiro, acknowledge you. Human, can you tell me your name?"

"This name… Is it Japanese?"

Wang Shuo recalled the way this fellow spoke and behaved. Now that he said his name, it was indeed kind of like this.

"Of course… not!"

Who knew whether you could curse in this game. Of course, there was no reason to take this risk for nothing.


Sanada Kazuhiro's expression instantly darkened. "Despicable human, don't let me see you again, or else I will make you pay the price for the humiliation today!"

Before he finished speaking, his figure turned into a phantom and dissipated.

[You killed Abyss Summoner Sanada Kazuhiro (Projection).]

[You receive Projection Treasure Chest x1.]

[After opening Sanada Kazuhiro's Projection Treasure Chest, there is a chance to obtain an item from him.]

[Spiritual Cloak]

Grade: Upper Yellow Tier

Enchantment: Magic Strengthening +1

Description: Abyss Summoner's Exclusive Set 1/3

Note: Gathering the entire Summoner's Equipment Set will grant additional Magic Strengthening +1 and Spirit Channeling +1.

[Spiritual Talisman]

Grade: Upper Yellow Tier

Enchantment: Beast Spirit Protection +1

Description: Abyss Summoner's Exclusive Set 1/3

Note: …

[Spiritual Ring]

Grade: Upper Yellow Tier

Enchantment: Magic Power +1

Description: Abyss Summoner's Exclusive Set 1⁄3

Note: …

[Sealing Crystal]

Grade: Upper Yellow Tier

Description: Summons an abyssal fire wolf to fight every hour.

Note: Not buffed by summoner skills.

"Damn, that's amazing!"

Wang Shuo's eyes lit up as he chose the Sealing Crystal without hesitation.

He had thought that this Japanese was rather skilled. However, it turned out that his strength was solely based on his equipment.

After resting for a while, Wang Shuo set off again.

Based on the current situation, there should still be two or three rounds left.

Since his cultivation had reached a bottleneck, there was no point in waiting any longer. He might as well end the battles as soon as possible.

He was dying to see the world behind this door.

Ten meters later, the scene changed again.

In the familiar arena stood a tall man in a yellow monk robe.

His hands, arms, and legs were wrapped in a layer of white cloth that looked like equipment.

If you looked closely, you could vaguely see a shiny bald head through the blurry pixels.

"Is this guy a monk?"

Wang Shuo guessed as he took the initiative to make the first move.

"May the sacred light shine! Punish and slay evil!" the monk suddenly shouted, and a layer of golden light enveloped him.

"Dragon-subduing Vajra!"

He sat cross-legged, and both his hands raised up like lightning. He instantly caught the Green Dragon Staff that ripped through the air down at him.


As the ground trembled, a trace of shock flashed across Wang Shuo's eyes.

This monk was actually able to catch the Green Dragon Staff with just his bare hands. Furthermore, it didn't look like he suffered any damage.

Most terrifyingly, he possessed strength so great that he was even stronger than Wang Shou. At the moment of impact, he was almost unable to hold onto the Green Dragon Staff.

"What a powerful monk. If my weapon was stolen (Regarding the equipment settings, the details will come after the novice village arc.), I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him!"

Wang Shuo thought quickly and instantly had a solution.

"Summon the abyssal flame wolf!"

The next second, a calf-sized black wolf opened its mouth and pounced at the monk.

"Evil shall be annihilated! Tiger-vanquishing Vajra!"

With a loud cry, the monk sidestepped to dodge the wolf's jaws and then kicked its head.

At this moment, an air-piercing sound rang out.

Seeing that the situation wasn't looking good, the monk twisted his body in midair and warped several feet horizontally to dodge the attack. After landing, he instantly assumed a defensive posture.

Wang Shuo secretly commanded the fire wolf to pace around the monk. He chuckled. "Weren't you shouting quite happily just now? Why aren't you shouting anymore? Oh, and how did you teleport about just now?"

"Ignorant fool!" the monk hollered angrily and then formed seals with his hands. "Vajra Armor!"

Blazing golden light erupted from his body and transformed into a translucent golden bell that enveloped him within.

"Diablo-wielding Vajra!"

The white cloth wrapped around the monk's hands instantly dispersed and transformed into a Buddhist monk staff as tall as a person in the blink of an eye.

"Cloud-stepping Vajra!"

The monk took a step and shot toward Wang Shuo at lightning speed.

"Demon-subduing Vajra!"

Facing the attack, Wang Shuo didn't dare to be negligent. He used the Mountain Shaking stance, and the Green Dragon Staff swept out to receive it.


The collision sent both of them stumbling back a few steps. They immediately charged forward again.

The two figures collided and separated with the sound of metal clashing continuously.

As they fought, Wang Shuo's heart became increasingly heavy.

His perfection-level Advanced Basic Staff Technique and Three Mountain Staff Technique, coupled with the support of the Green Dragon Staff, could be said to have brought his strength to its peak.

But the monk wasn't the least bit inferior.

In addition to his muscular physique, his staff was no ordinary item either. At the very least, it was lower mystic tier.

The two of them moved like the wind, twisting and turning, flashing to and fro, attacking with their staffs in the arena.

A few occasional muffled groans resounded amid the clanging sounds. Every time this happened, golden and blue lights flashed on their bodies.

"What a tough monk!"

Wang Shuo didn't know how many times he had exclaimed in surprise.

The defense of the golden bell on the monk's body was astonishing. Even after taking several hits, it was only slightly deformed.

Fortunately, the Mystic Turtle Armor was not weak either. Although it also trembled slightly under the attacks of the Buddhist monk staff, it looked much stronger than the golden bell.

"Even if I take my last breath, I will take your life today!"

This battle pushed Wang Shuo to his limit. The sheer intensity of the battle consumed a terrifying amount of stamina. In less than a minute, he felt his body drained.

He used the momentum of a clash to pull away and instantly threw two Five Grains Pills into his mouth.

The monk was no pushover either, and he also took the opportunity to throw a black pill into his mouth.

The next second, the two of them tangled again.

Five minutes…

Ten minutes…

Half an hour…

At first, the two of them were only competing with weapons. But as they became more familiar with each other's moves, they even started to use their hands and feet.

Unfortunately, Wang Shuo wasn't as proficient in fist and leg techniques as staff techniques. After adding fists and kicks, he instantly fell into a disadvantage.

The monk's coordination and mastery of his various skills were terrifying. If not for the armor protecting his body, Wang Shuo might not even be able to withstand three hits.

Throughout the battle, Wang Shuo could sense that the monk's skill level was not much higher than his own. But the opponent had honed each technique countless times, so his mastery and understanding were incomparable to a beginner who relied on his attributes.

After suffering consecutive losses, Wang Shuo couldn't suppress the joy in his heart.

In fact, he was aware of his own problems. But combat experience wasn't something that could be gained through practice alone.

All along, his opponents were either too strong or too weak.

He had never met an evenly matched opponent like this monk.

With the Mystic Turtle Armor protecting him, he didn't have to worry about losing his life, so he could take this opportunity to hone his skills.